Episode 42: Grapes

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Eleven's POV: 

Today I'm supposed to tell Hopper about what happened with Mason. I really don't feel like talking about it. Mike says he will be waiting for me when I'm done. I look out the window and sigh. I was finally happy, and now I have to talk about it.

"Hey El, we have to go now" Joyce said. I nodded and stood up. I slowly walked over to the car, Will sat down next to me, and held my hand. "It's going be okay alright?" He asked. "Alright" I whispered. We sat silent the rest of the way.

"Hello El" Hopper said. I nodded and sat down across from him. We were alone in his office. "So El, what happened?" I took a deep breath and started to explain.

"And what happened when they pulled you into the alleyway?" I started to breath heavenly. "Mason t-touched me. He t-tried to take my skirt o-off. I pushed him and his friends away". I broke down and I felt like I couldn't breath. I was trying so hard, but I couldn't. "El? El are you okay!? Mike! Hurry!" Hopper yelled as loud as he could.

Not even a second later Mike came running through the door. "What?" Hopper nodded my way. Mike hurried over to me, and hugged me. I hugged him back and cried.
"Everything is going to be alright. I love you so much El" Mike said rocking me back and forth. "I-I love you too" I said breathing in his scent.

Joyce's POV:

After Mike came out with El, I went to Jim's office. "Okay so what do we do?" I asked. "He can't go to jail, he's too young. He can go to juvenile though. If you want to press charges, which I think you should, you have too do it soon" Jim said. I nodded and stood up. "We will press charges" I said. He nodded.

I was about to walk out when- "Joyce!" I turned around and looked at Jim.
"Would you like to go and get coffee someday?" He asked looking a bit nervous.
I smiled. "I would love too".

Mike's POV:

I was laughing at El. She was trying to throw a grape into her mouth. I took a grape and threw it in the air, and caught it with my mouth. El frowned and started to pout.
So adorable. "Okay just open your mouth" I said. She opened her mouth and I threw a grape into her mouth. She started smiling and bounced up and down.

"I did it! Well we did it!" She said smiling. I smiled at her and laughed. "You're really cute" I said. She blushed and chuckled. "Thanks".

Max's POV:

"Where do you think your going!?" Billy screamed at me. I shrugged and ran to the door. He blocked it and I sighed while looking at him. "If you must know, I'm going to see my boyfriend" I said. Billy growled, his breath smelled of alcohol. Shit.

He threw me against the wall. "No you are not!" He started to punch and kick me. I cried out in pain. Just stay tough. "You don't like that? Well too bad! Stop being a brat, and this wouldn't happen!" He screamed kicking me again.

Billy went over to the couch and he passed out. I stood up whimpering, and walked out of the house. I walked as fast as I could without passing out. I knocked on Lucas's door.
"Hey Max, Lucas is upstairs" Lucas's mom said. I started walking upstairs when she stopped me. "Are you okay?" She asked worriedly. I nodded my head, and rushed up the stairs.

Lucas's POV:

My door opened and Max stepped in. I smiled in till I saw her face. She was bruised and her cheek was purple. "Was it Billy?" I asked, she nodded. I could feel the anger rising in me. "Come here" I said opening my arms. She ran into them and broke down. I got us over to the bed and sat down. I was running my hands through her hair.

"You need to tell the police" I said. Max shocked her head. "Why not?" I asked.
"Because they would put me in a foster home, and I wouldn't see you. My parents are never home, and they would figure that out!" She said. I shacked my head and kissed her. She kissed me back tears streaming down her face.

I can't let her live like that.


Hey guys!

So what did you think about chapter?

My favorite part was when El and Mike were being cute. What was your favorite part?

So I really don't know anything about pressing charges and court stuff, so pleas don't judge.

Anyway, see you next weekend!

Stay Strange!

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