Episode 55: The Party

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Eleven's POV:

"Hey guys," screamed Dustin as he, walked in through the door in the basement. Mike was sitting on the couch, and my head is laying on his lap. Mike is stroking my hair softly, as Dustin sits down in front of us. Then Max, Lucas, Will and Valerie were all sitting on the floor. My head was still in Mike's lap, when Valerie started to talk.

"So there is this party later tonight. It's going to be the party of the year! You guys have to come," Valerie explained and I sat up. A party? Mike and Lucas has told me about party's, but it doesn't sound so fun. All the boy and Max were agreeing to go, except for Mike and I. He was looking at me questionably. I sighed while faking a smile.

"You should go. I'm not going, but I can take care of Holly. You know, because your parents aren't home and you were supposed to look after her. I can do that," I tell him with a reassuring smile. Mike looked at me doubtfully but then agreed to go. The boys, Max and Valerie left a hour later.

"Are you sure? I can stay home, it's not a problem," Mike says kissing my forehead. Mike is sweet and caring, but he spends all his time with me. What if he gets bored of me? He needs to have fun with his friends, alone. I nod my head and kiss him softly.

Wills' POV:

"Who invited you to the party?," I ask Valerie as she replies red lipstick to her lips. "This guy called Mason I guess," she says, looking at herself in the mirror. I stood up and was about to leave when she pulled me back. "Where are you going?"

"Mason is dangerous, he tried to rape El when we were thirteen. I need to tell Mike," I explained trying to walk out of the door, but Valerie pulled me back, again.

"It's not his party okay? He was just telling people about the party. It's Camilla who's hosting the party," Valerie says. "Plus El isn't even going to be there".

I sighed and sat down again. Maybe she's right. Maybe.

Mike's POV:

We just arrived at the party, and there was people every where. I slowly walk after the others to the kitchen. Where the alcohol is. This is my second party, but it's not because I enjoy it. Troy was standing next to a guys kissing him. When Troy spotted us he pulled away from the boy and walked our way. I made the boys look at Troy and they all stifled.

"H-hey guys. I just wanted to say how sorry I am. I was struggling with my sexuality, and because you guys are so different from the other people  at the school,  it was easier to make fun of you. I'm so sorry, I really am. This is my boyfriend Kevin," Troy tells us.

I look at the boys and we were all debating about what to do. "Hi my name is Kevin. I know Troy was awful to you guys, but when I met him, he was so broken and thought he was some sort of monster," Kevin says.

Some sort of monster. That's what El still probably thinks of herself. I have seen El break down and Troy has possibly done the same. Then there's Kevin. Kevin saved him, and told him that he isn't a monster. I know how hard it is to see someone you love think about themselves that way, and it hurts.

"I forgive you. You hurt me, badly. You don't even know how many times I cried myself to sleep because of you, but I can see you're sorry. It must have been really hard to think those things about yourself," I tell Troy. He smiles and the others forgive him too.

We then decided that we should drink something. Someone handed me this drink, it was orange and looks weird. I drink it anyway.

Camilla's POV (You don't remember her? You will soon):

Mike was staring to get drunk, just what I wanted. I'm still surprised he didn't want to kiss me when we were thirteen. It's because of that stupid girl El, but I'm getting rid of her.

When Mike is completely wasted, I will lead him to my bedroom and undress him and myself. When he wakes up he will think we slept together and be devastated. Which will lead to El and Mike breaking up. That is a good deal because Mason is the one who is spiking Mike's drinks. Then he can get El, and I Mike.

Mike's POV:

I can't see clear everything is a blur. "Hey Mikey, want to go upstairs and rest?," a girl I don't recognize asks me. I nod my head, and the girl leads me upstairs. She suddenly press her lips to mine and push me down on a bed. "I have a girlfriend," I tell the girl pushing her off.

"Right, just go to bed," the girl says. I wanted to go, but I'm so tired and I really want to sleep.

I lay my head down on the pillow and falls asleep.

Lucas' POV:

I was dancing with Max, when Dustin came panicking over to me. "Have you seen Mike? I looked away for a minute and when I turned around again, he was gone," Dustin says his voice shacking.

"He had probably left the party, because he misses El. That's something he would do," Max says to Dustin. Dustin nods and dancer next to us. Will comes over to us short time after and starts dancing with us.

Eleven's POV:

"Beauty and the Beast, who was a Beast no more, but a handsome Prince, lived happily ever after. And indeed I believe they are living happily still, in the beautiful land where dreams come true," I fished the story and closed the book.

Holly was soundly sleeping in her bed. I walked out of her room and walked down stairs. I made some eggos and turned on the TV. Some show I don't know as on as I silently take small bides of my eggo.

I hope Mike is having fun.


Hey guys!

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Stay Strange!

Btw, if you want to know what the next chapter is called, which gives a hint about what's going to happen. Then follow my snapchat: annikabooklover

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