31# One-shot: He Betrayed Me (Part 2)

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They're fourteen. This is three months after the first part of the one-shot.

Mike's POV:

El's been living with Joyce for three months. I've seen Hopper around town, I actually think he's everywhere we are, so that he can see El.

El seems happy, but I know that she misses living with Hopper. I think she doesn't want to admit it, and I also think she's scared of getting hurt again.

I'm helping El with math right now, because she's going to start school with us in two months.

"Maybe I should just give up, and not go to school." El says throwing herself down on my bed.

Ever since the thing with Hopper happened, she's giving up on a lot of things. She stopped going to the arcade with us, only wanting to stay at Joyce's house and mine.

"You can't give up now. We're so close to seeing each other everyday, because we can go to the same school!" I tell her with a smile. She gives me a sad smile and sits up again.

As mad as I am at Hopper, I still think they should talk soon. Like really soon. I still want to punch him in the face every time I see him, but he's El's dad. Holy shit.

I'm dating the chiefs daughter.

"El... do you think that maybe it's time to talk to Hopper?" I ask her softly.

El stiffens and I put my arms around her shoulders. El leans closer to me and relaxes.

"I-I don't know. I feel so betrayed Mike. How can I ever trust him again?"

"El, Hopper loves you. He really does. Trust me I'm not very happy with him right now, but he didn't really know you at the time. It's still not the right thing to do, but I know he regrets it a lot."

El is quiet and doesn't say anything. After some time she pulls me down on the bed and cuddles into my chest. "I'm tired," she says yawning.

I stroke her hair softly until she's sleeping, and then I slowly fall asleep.

Eleven's POV:

I miss Hopper. I really do.

But I'm really scared that he's going to betray me again, and that papa will find me. That guy in Chicago said that he isn't dead, and now I'm scared all the time.

Mike is with me as much as he can. He's busy with school and sometimes he has to babysit Holly. I miss talking with Hopper about the things I do everyday.

Joyce is working a lot, and when she's home she has to do many things, so she doesn't have time to talk. Jonathan is busy with school or with Nancy. Will is really busy with a school and trying to get over what happened to him. Which I know is extremely hard.

I'm sitting outside in the park, waiting for the party. We wanted to get ice cream before the others were going to play D&D.

Suddenly I see Hopper leaning against his car on the parking lot. He's smoking a cigarette, which I made him stop doing. I guess he started again.

I take a deep breath and walk over to him. As soon as Hopper spots me, he puts his cigarette out. I stand next to him and lean against his car.

"You started smoking again." I say quietly.

"Yeah... I'm going to stop. I've just been a little stressed lately.

Then there's silence.

"I want to come home again... but I'm scared," I whisper.

"I want you to come home too. I'm so sorry El, I want you to know that I will never ever do that again. I didn't know you back then, and I know it still wasn't the right thing to do. I can't tell you how many times I've had dreams about it. I-I miss you so much." Hopper says, trying not to cry.

"I miss you too... Can I come home?"


I smile at him and he smiles back at me.

We're going to be okay.


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