Episode 59: I'm Your Father

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I love this song! (Castle On The Hill by Ed Sheeran)

Will's POV:

"Wow he's awesome!" El says to me excitingly. We're watching 'Karate Kid', and El loves it. Mike has to study for a test, so El and I decided to spend the day together. I've already studied and I know I'm going to nail the test.

I think it's sad that El can't go to school. It's an amazing opportunity to learn things, but El doesn't know as much as she should in her age. Therefore we have to teach her as many things as we can. I mean, it's pretty awesome that she doesn't have to do homework, but still, I think it's hard for El as well.

"Yeah he's really awesome", I tell her taking a sip from my drink. We've watched The Breakfast Club, The Goonies, E.T and now Karate Kid. El suddenly stands up and walks around the room.

"I need a break from watching movies", El exclaimed standing in front of me. "What do you want to do then?", I ask her. El looks outside the window and smirks. She grabs my hand pulls me outside. 

It's raining and El starts to dance around in the rain. I stand there looking at her dance around like an idiot. "Come on Will!" I sigh and run out in the rain and start jumping around. El is laughing and spinning around, and I start doing the same thing.

"Excuse me? Does a Jane Byers live here? Or perhaps Eleven?", a man suddenly asks behind us. El stops dancing and look at the man.

"Why?", I ask the man, while taking a step back. El is slowly walking towards the house. Her face expression is showing that's she's terrified, but it also looks like she doesn't know the man. The man keeps looking at El.

"Can I please talk with an adult?", the man asks walking closer to us. El runs into the house and yells; "MOM!" I walk over to the door and block him from walking into the house. "You can wait here".

Mom comes over top the door with El behind her, and she steps out of the house to talk with the man.

"What's your name sir?", she asks him with her arms crossed over her chest. The man looks at my Mom and clears his throat.

"My name is Charlie Cooper (Riverdale inspired), and I'm looking for Jane Byers. You must be Joyce Byers", Charlie explains. Mom looks at El before taking a deep breath.

"And why do you want to talk to her?", Mom asks. Charlie looks at El behind Mom and smiles.

"You're Jane right? Or Eleven?", Charlie asks El. El walks out to the man and nod her head. She looks nervous. The man looks her up and down before hugging her. El stands frozen before pushing him away. Charlie looks hurt for a moment but then he clears his throat.

"El", she tells him. Her voice is soft and scared at the same time. "El", the man says while looking down. "What a beautiful name".

"El, I'm your father".

Nancy's POV:

Take a deep breath Nancy.

It's not like he's going to leave you.

I walk into the apartment and see Jonathan sleeping on the couch. I chuckle and kiss his cheek and he immanently wakes up and pulls me down on top of him. "Hello Mrs. Byers", Jonathan whispers into my ear. I smile and kiss him. "Hello Mr. Byers".

I sit up and pull the picture out of my pocket. I take a deep breath and look at Jonathan. "I have to talk with you about something", I say and Jonathan sits up too.

"What's up?", he asks me kissing my shoulder. "So you remember that I felt sick right? Well I went to the doctor and they took some tests...", I say and give him the picture. Jonathan looks at the picture and he looks confused for a second. Then a smile breaks out on his soft lips.

"You're pregnant? I'm going to be a dad?", he asks. I can hear the excitement in his voice and I nod my head yes. Jonathan starts laughing and crying at the same time. He hugs me and kisses me.

"How far along are you?", he ask while kissing my belly. "A month", I tell him giggling.

Mike's POV:

I hate English.

I literally hate English class. If it had been science test or any other subject, I wouldn't be so scared. But I suck at English.

Suddenly Will starts talking to me over the walkie-talkie; "Mike! Mike El needs you right now! Please hurry and come to our house. Some man just came to our house, and claims to be El's real dad! El is freaking out, over".

"I'm on my way, over and out".


Hey guys!

Wow El's real dad?

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See you tomorrow.

Stay Strange!

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