35# One-shot: Bullied (Part 1)

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They're thirteen. El has no powers and Mike is new to Hawkins.

Mike's POV:

I'm so nervous.

I just moved to Hawkins two says ago, and now I'll have to start school. I never had many friends, and the ones that I had just stopped talking to me. So I guess it's okay that dad got a new job in Hawkins.

Hawkins is so small you almost can't see it on a map.

I'm scared that I won't get any friends, and that I will be lonely until college ( Because nerd are apparently cool in college).

I make my way through the entrance and I take a deep breath.

Everyone turns to look a me and I try to give them a smile.

I walk over to three boys, because they aren't starring at me. They look up at me and gives me a smile.

"Hi! You're the new kid right?" The one with the curly hair asks.

"Yeah, my name is Mike Wheeler."

"My name is Dustin... that's Lucas and Will."

I smile at them and ask them where the principles office is.

"Follow us!" Lucas exclaims.

As we make our way to the office, the boys tells me about the school. That they're the nerds of the school but they don't get bullied luckily. They did tell me that there was one girl who was bullied a lot because she's adopted. They also told me that she doesn't have any friends, because she doesn't talk to anyone. 

After getting my schedule, the boys take me to my first class, which is math. Unfortunately none of them are in this class. I walk inside the classroom and the teacher tells me where to sit. It's in the back of the class next to a girl with short, curly and brown hair.

I sit down next to her and pull out the books I was given for the class. The girl looks at me before looking down at her table again.

"H-Hi my name is Mike." I tell her with a smile.

"Hi, my name is El... well its actually Jane." She whispers.

"Oh cool. My real name is Michael, but I like Mike more," I tell her.

She gives me a small smile.

"Ew! The new kid is talking to the freak! Did no one warn him?" A guy yells across the room.

"Yeah, she's adopted dude." Another guy yells.

I look at El, but she's not looking at me anymore. She's looking down at her table again, the little smile is gone from her lips. 

"So what?" I ask them.

I can feel El looking at me.

"Seriously? Her parents hated her so much that they gave her up. She's a complete freak. When she first got here she had a buzz cut."

The class started so the conversation stopped there. El looked extremely sad. I reached out for her hand and gave it a squeeze. She smiled and squeezed back. When math class is over El and I are last people to leave the room.

"What class to you have next?" I ask her.


"Me too!"

She smiles and she walks me to science class. We both walk in to find the class empty so we sit in the front, because I really enjoy science. Suddenly Will, Dustin and Lucas walks into the classroom. Oh yeah, I forgot we all shared this class.

"Hey Mike and El!" Will says.

El gave them a small smile, but looked down at the table again.

The boys sat down next to us, turns out they also love science.

I smile at El and for once she actually gives me a big smile.


Hey guys!

Did you like this one-shot? Do you want a part 2?

I'm sorry if I suddenly stop writing for a while. All my exams are starting now and I'm really stressed. This did calm me down though.

See you next Saturday.

Stay Strange!

Bookstagram: annika_book_lover

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