5# One-shot: The Mean Girls

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So this one-shot is from when El went to public school, back when they were thirteen.

Eleven's POV :

I'm sitting in the back of the classroom alone, waiting for class to start. I don't have English, with the boys, it sucks. No one really wants to talk with me, so I just don't say anything. That's why I get surprised when Tiffany (the popular girl), sits down right next to me.

"Hi, I'm Tiffany and you are?"

"Hi! my name is E-jane." I almost tell her, my name is El. Remember your name is Jane Byers.

"E-jane? Whatever. What happened to your hair?"

What do I say? You know I just to be a lab rat and they cut off my hair. Probably shouldn't say that.

"Um I had an abusive father, who cut off my hair," I tell her, looking down a bit.

Tiffany starts to laugh and I shrink. Three other girls are suddenly in front of me. Two of them grab my arm and the third one is just laughing.

"You're a loser Jane Byers. No wonder your dad did all of that to you, because you are ugly. You don't even deserve to breath the same air as I do," Tiffany laugh in my face.

I was about to throw her against the wall, but then I remembered what Mike said. 'If someone is mean to you, don't use your powers. Because no one can know that you have them'.

"So I was thinking about this yesterday, what can I do to make Jane Byers stop coming to school?" Tiffany slowly pulls out something from her backpack.

Suddenly ketchup is being poured onto my head. I close my eyes and wait for them to stop.

Don't use your powers.

Don't use your powers.

"There, now you really look like the freak you are," Tiffany's third friend laughs.

The two girl lets go of me and I start to cry. They leave the classroom laughing hysterically and I gasp for air.

I jump out off the window and run home. Luckily nobody's home.

So they don't need to know what happened.

Mike's POV:

"Where's El?" I ask the others. We're waiting for El to come and sit with us in lunch. The other shrug and I sigh. Where are you El?

"Did you see her face? It was soooo funny ahaha," Tiffany says walking past our table.

She looks at us, like she's trying to find someone sitting here. She smirks and winks at me, walking over to her table.

"What was that about?" Max asks.

Joyce's POV:

I open the door and I can hear the shower running. No one's supposed to be home. EL steps out of the bathroom with a towel around her, and gasps when she sees me.

Her skin is a little red in some areas, and then I look at the floor. Her clothes is completely soaked in ketchup.

"What happened?" I ask her. She shakes her head and goes to her room.

I sit down on the couch and sigh. After a couple of minutes, El comes in dressed and sits down next to me.

Her hair stinks of ketchup.

"Tiffany from school did it," she tells me, with tears in her eyes. "She said that I'm a freak and that I'm ugly."  

El starts crying and I hug her closer to my body.

Mike's POV:

We're all sitting in class, when the principle walks in through the door. 

"Tiffany Harriot, would you please follow me to the office." Tiffany stands up and walk after him.


When the bell rings, the boys and I are curious about Tiffany.

"Guys she probably bullied someone like she always does," Max says, not wanting to investigate it.

The door to the office opens and Tiffany (and her parents) step out of the room looking pissed. Afterwards El and Joyce walks out of the room as well.

I run over to El, the boys and Max right behind me.

"EL! What happened?" I ask her. El looks really sad and starts explaining everything.

Now I'm pissed.

"Don't listen to her, you're beautiful," I tell her. She smiles and kisses me softly.

"I love you."

"I love you too."


Hey guys!

What did you think about the one-shot?

See you next Saturday .

Stay Strange!

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