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Eleven's POV:

"Mike calm down!", I tell him while trying not to laugh. We just heard our fourteen year old daughter talk with a boy over the phone.

"I can't calm down El! They talked about watching a movie together!", Mike exclaims sighing. Mike doesn't like that his little girl is growing up. She's not aloud to date until she's tweeny-three according to him.

Our son Logan walks in through the door and smiles at us. He's two years older then Lauren.

"Logan, are you okay with Lauren going to the movies with a boy!?", Mike asks him. Logan's eyes go wide.

"Absolutely not! She's only fourteen!", he yells. Mike looks at me smugly and I hit his arm.

"We started dating when we were thirteen", I told him with my eyebrows raised. "And they might not be dating. I went to the movies with Will, Dustin and Lucas without you".

"Logan you had your first date when you were fourteen! There's no difference", I tell him. Logan and Mike look at each other and sigh.

"Right", Logan mumbles walking into his room. Mike looked upset and scratches the back of his neck. I smile at him and kiss him softly. Mike's hands go down to my stomach and he rubs it.

"I swear if you're a girl you're not aloud out of the house, ever!" I giggle while rolling my eyes.
"When are the boys and Max coming over?", I ask him.

"They're coming over tomorrow".

*The Next Day*

Mike's POV:

There was several knocks on the door, so I went to open it. Dustin, Lucas, Will and Max walked in through the door as soon as I opened it. "Well hello to you too".

"Hey Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler", Will says when El walked into the living room. We all hugged each other and went to sit on the couch. I huff when I see Lauren dressed in her prettiest dress.

She was going out with the boy today. I don't know who he is, but as soon as he comes, I'm going to threaten the living shit out of him. El looks at me shakes her head.

"What's wrong with Mike?", Max asks El. "He's mad that Lauren's going to the movies with a boy today", she says giggling. I growl and Dustin laughs.

"That's funny Christopher's(Lucas and Max's kid) going to the movies with a girl today", Lucas says. There's a knock on the door and Lauren runs to the door. I move my head, so I can look at him.

"H-hey", Lauren stutters. "Hey". We all gasp when we hear the voice. It's Christopher.

They both looks at us smiling a bit. Lauren bites her lip and takes Chris' hand in hers. "L-let's go".

They walk out of the door and closes it. There's silence until everyone starts laughing, except me.

"Oh come on Mike, that's adorable!", El says smiling. I look at her stomach. "If you're a girl you won't ever hang out with my friends kids", I say. Suddenly there's silence.

"You're pregnant?", Will asks smiling. El nods, and everyone starts hugging her and me. I smile and sneak my arm around El's shoulder. She kisses me and I kiss her back.

"Stop kissing!", Logan says, covering his eyes with his hands. Just to annoy him, I kiss her again. Logan groans and leaves the room.

"How's Melissa?", El asks Will. Will smiles and starts explaining about her dance competition.

Will and Valerie has a fifteen year old daughter named Melissa. Dustin and Sally has ten year old twins, a girl and a boy, named Joshua and Jessica. Max and Lucas miscarried the first time, but then they got Chris. After that max got pregnant again, with a boy (who's now ten), named Sean.

Everything turned out amazing after all. The best day of my life was when I ran into El. I didn't think my life would turn out the way it did, but I wouldn't ever change it. I know our whole group has the same opinion.

The guys and Max left after a couple of hours. Lauren is coming home soon which I'm extremely happy about.

"I love you", El says hugging me. "I love you too", I tell her.

I bent down to kiss her soft lips.

We finally got our happy ending.


Hey guys!

So this is the end...kinda.

Thank you to everyone who has been supporting me through everything. This is the first book I'm ever finishing, and it feels good and sad.

I love all of you guys and I'm not completely ready to finish this. Which is why I'm going to make one-shots.

See you tomorrow with the first one-shot.

Stay Strange!

Snapchat: annikabooklover

Bookstagram: annika_book_lover

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