Episode 66: The Storm

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Song: Operate by ASTR

Will's POV:




Where the hell am I? Everything is dark, so dark. I feel like I'm walking towards nothing, stuck. I can't feel myself walking but I know I am. It feels like my eyes are closed, but they aren't. "WILL!", a voice screams after me.

I look around but see nothing but complete darkness. "Hello!?", I scream as loud as possible. But it's like I can't make a sound. I try and try but nothing comes out of my mouth. "WILL! WHERE ARE YOU!?", the voice screams again.

"I'm here!", I try to scream, but I'm still silent. Suddenly a bright light shines far away from me. I run towards it, tired of all this darkness. I'm sweating it's so warm, like fire.

"Will is dead Joyce, forget him", another voice says from the distance. "I'M RIGHT HERE", I scream while running, but I don't make a sound. I'm not getting closer to the light at all. I've been running for half an hour and still nothing.



I gasp and sit up. "Will are you okay?", El ask standing next to my bed. I look at her, sweat running down my forehead.

"Yeah, it was just a nightmare", I say looking away. "The dream about running towards a light you can't reach? Voices talking about you being dead?", she says quietly.

I look at her in wonder; "How did you know that?" El looks at me and sighs. She walks around the room before looking at me again.

"I just had the same dream. I have a bad feeling about this Will. Bad", she said biting her lip. I close my eyes and take a deep breath.

"Do you know what it means?", I ask her. We've had the same dreams before. They're usually not bad like this, they're happy things like us in a park with our friends.

"I don't know. But Will this is weird. Something is going on and I'm scared", she said fear in her eyes.

I hug her and she shivers. "Are you cold?", I ask her. She nods and I take her hands in mine. Her hands are ice cold and it almost hurts touching them. Like holding an ice cube. 

"Jesus El! Your hands are freezing!", I tell her while standing up. I walk over to my dresser and find a couple of gloves. I throw them at her and she catches them. I look out the window to see black clouds.

"El?", I say pointing to the clouds. El walk over to the window next to me. She looks outside and gasp. "Storm, bad", she says looking down. She walk around the room murmuring stuff, like she's trying to remember something.

Mike's POV:

The clouds are really dark and the wind is wild. Dustin, Lucas and I are on our way to the Byers' house. Max is on her skateboard, her hand are rested on Lucas' shoulder so he is pulling her.

"This looks mental guys", Dustin says. I nod my head and take a deep breath. We finally arrive at their house and knock on the door. Joyce opens the door and looks worried.

"You guys rode all the way over here? In this weather?", Joyce says shacking her head. We say hello and walk into the house. I'm about to walk into El's bedroom when Lucas yells that El is in Will's room.

I walk in and see a terrified El and Will. "What's wrong guys?", Dustin asks. Will starts explaining his dream and El's. Then about the storm and what El had said. El is shacking and she's wearing gloves. Why is she wearing gloves?

I walk over to her and grab her hands. I pull the right glove off and hold her hand. "Wow your hand i cold", I tell her putting the glove on again. Will is clearly sweating like he's on fire.

"What's wrong with you guys? El's ice cold and Will's sweating like a pig?", Max says eyebrows furrowed.

El suddenly looks dizzy and she's holding my arm tightly. "El?", I whisper. Suddenly El's eyes roll to the back of her head and she falls. I grab her and lift her on to the bed. Dustin is holding Will. He places Will next to El.

"What the hell is going on!?", Lucas screams. Suddenly a lightning hits the tree besides the house. "Shit!", Max screams. Joyce walk into the room and looks at El and Will.

"What is going on?", she demands running over to Will. We explain everything to her, but she just sits there looking at Will. Suddenly El and Will gasp at the same time. El's right hand goes into the air like she's grabbing something, the same time Will's left hand goes into the air.

I caress El's cheek and whisper sweet nothings into her ear. "NO!", Will and El yells at the same time. They start crying , El's right hand and Will's left hand falls down to the bed. Suddenly both their hand go to their throats, like their being strangled.

"I-It's so cold", El says stuttering. "It's so warm", Wills says breathlessly.

Eleven's POV:

"HELP ME!", a voice I've never heard screamed. I walked closer to the voice and saw a boy with white hair laying on the ground screaming.

I sit down next to the boy and reach my right hand out to touch him. He looks at me with his black eyes. "You need to help me", he says again. A lightning hits a tree next to us and I jump a little.

"How do I help you?", I ask him. Suddenly he's not breathing anymore. "NO!" I let go of his hand. Just as I'm about to stand up, a hand pulls me down. The boy is suddenly on top of me. His hand find it's way to my throat and strangle me.

My hands try to remove his hands from my throat. "How do you feel about this place?", he asks me. "I-It's so cold".


I open my eyes and my hands immediately find my throat. I take deep breaths and close my eyes. "El are you okay?", Mike asks me. I nod my head and look at Will.

"Did you see-", Will ask. "The white haired boy", I finish his sentence. I look out the window, to see the black clouds gone. The sky is blue and the clouds white. I sigh.

What the hell is going on?


Hey guys!

SO what do you think is going on?

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See you next weekend.

Stay Strange!

Snapchat: annikabooklover

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