Episode 24: Snowball

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Okay guys, I have decided that I will keep them 13, but one of the boys will turn 14 soon.

Mike's POV:

I woke up with El in my arms. She was smiling in her sleep, and her hand where laying in mine. I stroked her soft hair, and she snuggled closer too me. She slowly opens her pretty brown eyes. "Good morning" she whispered sleepily. I chuckled and kissed her forehead. "We should get up now" I said before standing up. El didn't stand up and buried her head in the pillow. I chuckled and sat down next to El. "If you get out of bed now, I'll go and make Eggos?" I asked. She sat up really fast, and went to her closet to get her clothes. "Go make me some Eggos" she said pointing to the door. I laughed and walked out of the room, to the kitchen. The boys were sitting in the kitchen laughing.
"I thought you guys went home yesterday" I asked putting Eggos in the toaster.
"We did, but we came back, so we could get ready for the snowball tonight" Lucas said, laughing at my expression. "You forgot about the snowball didn't you?" Dustin asked smirking. I nodded my head, and went to the living room, to find Joyce.

Joyce's POV:

I was reading one of my many magazines, when Mike sat down next to me. "Good morning Mike, what can I help you with" I asked, considering Mike never really talked with me, unless he needed my help. "Well, the snowball is tonight, and El doesn't have a dress. So I was thinking that you and Nancy, could go dress shopping with her?" He asked hope in his eyes. I smiled and nodded. He smiled and walked back into the kitchen. I stood up and called Mrs. Wheeler. "Good morning Karen, could I talk with Nancy?" I asked leaning against the door. I waited around a minute, before Nancy started to talk. "Hello Joyce?" Nancy asked. "Hello Nancy, would you like to go dress shopping for the snowball, with El and I?" I asked closing my eyes. I didn't sleep so well last night. "Yes I would love too, are you going to pick me up?" Nancy asked. I looked into the kitchen, (as far as I could) and saw that El wasn't in the kitchen yet. "We will be here in a hour" I said.

Eleven's POV:

As I was setting my pixie haircut, when there was a knock on the door. "Come in" I said turning around to look at the door. Joyce came in and sat on my bed. "Did you sleep well?" Joyce asked. I nodded blushing a little. "Good. Anyway, the snowball is tonight, and I was wondering, would you like to go dress shopping?" Is the snowball tonight? "What is dress s-shopping?" I asked tilting my head. Why am I always tilting my head, when I'm confused? "It's when you go out and look for a dress" she said smiling a little. I nodded excitedly. She chuckled and told me to go eat breakfast. I walked into the kitchen and Mike handed me a plate with Eggos. I smiled when he kissed my cheek. Lucas was making gagging sound, Will was laughing and Dustin, was talking about something called a wedding. "Can I be your best man?" Dustin asked. Mike shoved him away. "Shut up Dustin" he said blushing.

Nancy's POV:

A car pulled up the driveway, and I steeped into the car, when I noticed it was Joyce's car. I looked at El, and she was practically bouncing up and down. "Are you excited?" I asked smiling. She nodded her head, and smiled even wider. I chuckled and we drove to the mall.

When we stepped into the mall, El took my hand. She was looking a round the mall nervously, and grabbed my hand harder. "It's okay El, let's go find a dress" I said as we walked into a dress store. We looked around for a while before El pointed at a kind of pink dress, and smiled. I looked at Joyce and she shrugged as El went to try it. We waited for her to come out, and when she came out she was smiling. She looked so pretty, and Joyce and I smiled and nodded. She swirled around giggling. She stopped and looked in the mirror. "Pretty....good" she whispered.

I told Joyce to drive us home too my house, so I could help El getting ready. Joyce drives us too my house and drove home. I smiled and pulled El inside. My dad was still at work, and my mom was out on a play date with Holly.

Will's POV:

My mom came home, and Mike ran to her, believing, that El would be there. "Nancy is helping her get ready, at your house" my mom said. Mike looked down a little sad, but Dustin dragged him into my room. We were all getting ready,except Mike had forgot clothes, obviously because he forgot about the snowball. "I knew you would forget, so I asked your mom to give me your clothes on my way here" Lucas said giving Mike his clothes. Mike thanked him. We all got into our clothes, and Dustin decided to use his perfume. "Ew gross Dustin, my room smells like shit" I said gagging. He opened the windows, but that didn't help. Jonathan walked into the room, and started couching. "What the hell is this? Why does my room smell like shit?" He asked plopping down on his bed. We all laughed as Dustin huffed.

Mike's POV:

We rode on our bikes to my house, too pick up El. I couldn't wait to see her.
I knocked on my door, and Nancy opened the door smirking. "I'll go get El" Nancy said.
When Nancy went inside, Dustin ran up too me and gave me a rose. I gave him a look but quickly turned too the door. El came out of the door. My jaw dropped. She was beautiful standing there in her dress and matching shoes.

"Pretty?" She whispered looking down. "You look beautiful, El" I said kissing her. I could hear the boys go 'aw'. I pulled away and gave her the rose, just as my mom came too take pictures.

El sat on the back of my bike, her arms around my waist and her head on my shoulder

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El sat on the back of my bike, her arms around my waist and her head on my shoulder.
I was blushing really hard, and the boys were laughing at me. When we finally came to to the school, I took El's hand and we walked into the gym room. El was looking around, her eyes shining with excitement. The boys went straight to the dance floor. I was standing there with El, wondering what to do now. "D-do you want something to drink" I asked scratching the back of my neck. She nodded and blushed. God she's cute.

Eleven's POV:

Mike went somewhere to get us something to drink. I was standing there awkwardly not knowing what to do. "Well hello freak" the mouth breather said. I tried to pull away when he took my arm. "Troy leave her alone" a girl said behind him. Troy let go of my arm and walked away. The girl had red hair, and was in a light blue dress. She looked like she didn't want to be here. "Hello my name is Max" the girl said, standing beside El now. "My name is El, thank you for helping me" I said looking down. "It's okay, are you here alone?" Max asked. "No I'm here with my boyfriend" I said smiling a little. Mike came up to me and gave me a cup, with something pink inside. "Hey El are you okay?" Mike asked looking at Max a little. "Yeah just talking with Max" I said taking a sip of my drink. It tastes okay. The boys came over and took my drink and Mike's.
"You two go dance" Dustin said pushing Mike. Mike took my hand and let me to the dance floor.

A slow song was playing and we stood there awkwardly looking at each other. "Oh just dance already" Dustin yelled from the side of the room. "How do you dance?" I asked nervously. Mike toke a step closer to me. "Put your hands around my neck" he said, and I did what I was told. He put his hands on my hips. "Now we just sway" he whispered.
We swayed quietly to the music. Mike suddenly chuckled and pointed across the room.
I looked the way he was pointing, and saw Max and Lucas dancing, both blushing. I chuckled as well and looked at Mike, to find him already looking at me. 
I slowly leaned in and kissed him. He kissed me back, and we pulled away after a while. We were both blushing, and we were both giggling messes.

Best snowball ever.


Yeah guys I just wrote the snowball scene.

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Until next time.

Stay Strange!

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