Episode 51:Troy Harrington

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Eleven's POV:

I was on a date with Mike. We're in a burger place. I'm eating a hamburger while Mike is eating a cheeseburger, we are sharing a strawberry milkshake. Mike was talking about that time Nancy and him had been in the cinema, and the women in the ticket booth thought Nancy was Mike's mom. I laughed and Mike had to go to the bathroom.

"Hey uh El" a voice said behind me. I turned around and saw Troy. My eyes widen and I look down. "Hello Troy" I responded coldly.

"I just wanted to say that I'm sorry. I've been treating you and your friends really bad. I was going though a really hard time. I-I'm gay. I started to realize it in middle school, and I had to take all my insecurities out on somebody. I started being mean to the boys because they were you know geeks, it was easier. I'm sorry".

I starred at Troy in surprise. I was too surprised, to say anything and just as Troy started to leave I pulled his arm. He stopped and looked at me. "It's okay, I forgive you. But you have to say sorry to the boys yourself, I can't do that for you".

Troy nodded and I hugged him. He hugged me back, just as Mike left the bathroom. He starred at Troy and I. I let go of him and smiled. "Goodbye Troy", I said as he walked away. Mike sat down next to me and raised an eyebrow. I pointed at Troy just as he kissed a boy I haven't seen before. Mike looked the way I pointed and he dropped his jaw.

"Troy's gay?", he asks and I nod my head yes. "He said sorry, and that he would say sorry to you guys soon". Mike rolled his eyes and took a sip from out milkshake. "Well I still think he's an idiot".

I sighed and looked down. I know Troy was really mean to them for years, and they shouldn't accept his apology right away. But they have to consider how Troy must have felled with himself. I thought I was a monster, maybe Troy thought he was a monster.

Mike's POV:

We're meeting the guys at Will and El's house. I still didn't know what to think about Troy. El had forgiven him, but I don't think I can. He hurt me and the other guys so much. It's hard to think that he's sorry, for everything.

Slowly the guys and Max starts to come, well Will was already there. We all sit in the backyard eating ice cream. "Troy is gay", I tell the others. They all freeze and look at me.

"When El and I were out on our date, I went to the bathroom. Apparently he said sorry to El and told her that the reason why he bullied us, was because he was insecure about being gay. He wants to say sorry to us, but he started with El I guess", I told them in one breath.

"I won't forgive him. he's been so mean to us and made me so sad", Lucas said sadly. Max kissed his cheek. "Yeah I won't either", Dustin said.

"I think you should forgive him", El said. "What do you think he thinks about himself. I thought I was a monster because papa told me I was. What if Troy's family told him that being gay was wrong? How do you think he had it. I know he was mean to you guys, but he's trying to say sorry. Don't you think you guys would be happier if you forgive him? Plus he will get really happy. Besides he had a boyfriend and he's like a different person".

We were all quit. What El had told us made me think a lot. Did that really happened? It would make sense. "Wow El, when did you become so clever?", Will asks jokingly. El smiles and we all laugh.

"You guys should give him a chance", said Max kissing Lucas on the cheek. I moved my arms around El's waist and hugged her closer to me. She was sitting on my lap. El snuggled closer to me and I kissed her left cheek.

"Wait Will, how did it go with your Valerie?", Dustin asks smugly. Will starts to blush and scratched the back of his neck. We all started laughing and Will kept blushing.

"Okay guys! Not much happened, I mean we're going on a date again. But she isn't my girlfriend yet", Will said smiling. "But it was fun, she's really sweet".

Max's POV:

Lucas was planting small kisses all over my face, I giggled and I smiled at him. Lucas smiled back and kissed me softly. "El never uses her powers any more?", I ask him.

"No I think El wants to be normal. She only uses her powers if it's important", Lucas answered.

I snuggled closer to Lucas and kissed him again.

Mike's POV:

I was looking through the scrapbook with El. We're laughing at the memories. "I wish, I took a picture of you when we first met. I only have pictures of us, when we were thirteen, not twelve".

El smiled softly and said; "We were kinda busy that week, don't you think. I mean running from the bad men and hiding me from your mom". I chuckled and leaned in, wanting a kiss when El pulled away. I gasped and El was laughing.

"You don't want to kiss me?" El shook her head, and I pouted. El was hysterical laughing when I started tickling her. I laughed along with her she tried to tickle me back, expect she couldn't really do it. I had her hands pinned down on the couch.

"Please stop! I'm sorry, I'll kiss you!", she laughed. I stopped and kissed her. She kissed me back still giggling a bit. I pulled away and brushed a strand of her soft hair behind her ear.

Suddenly we heard someone clearing their throat. We looked up and there stood Hopper. He looked a little sad and nervous.

"I have something important to talk about with you guys".


Hey guys!

No it's not 'the talk' Hopper wants to talk about.

It's something serious. But you'll find out tomorrow.

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Stay Strange!

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