Episode 31: Jealous

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Eleven's POV:

I was waiting for Mike outside the school. Joyce and Hopper decided that I should be homeschooled. I didn't want to in the start, but Mike told me that it probably would be a good idea, at least until I have learnt a bit more. I made a deal with Mike, that I would be there when he was done with school. Today I was going to spend some time with Mike, alone. I'm supposed to sleep at his house. I smiled and leaned on the fence. "Hey pretty girl" a voice said behind me. I turned around to look at a boy with sand blond hair and blue eyes. "Um hi?" I awkwardly said. Mike is the only one who had ever called me pretty, well except Nancy.

"I have never seen you here before, are you new too the school?" He asked leaning against the fence. I stood up straight and answered the weird boy. "I'm h-here to pick up my b-boyfriend" I said stuttering. His smirk dropped for a second but I almost didn't see it. "Well that doesn't matter" he said closing his left eye for a second. Is something wrong with his eyes? He looked at my lips for a second before looking me in the eyes. "My name is Mason, what is yours pretty brown eyes" he said licking his lips.
"My name is El" I said looking down. "Nice too meet you El" he said kissing my cheek. I looked away hoping Mike would come soon.

Mike's POV:

I was so exited for the bell to ring. The boys where all sending me kissing faces and I rolled my eyes. "Mike calm down, you can wait two minutes" Dustin said grinning.
I glared at him and they all laughed. "I think it's cute, he's so eager to see El" Max said smiling. I gave her a small smile and looked at the clock. One minute. 'Come on, come on' I thought. The bell finally ranged and I ran out of the classroom. I could hear the boys and Max laughing. They all catches up with me before I was even outside. "You're so slow" Lucas said. I huffed and and opened the door.

My eyes searched for El, when I finally spotted her. I smiled but stopped as soon as I saw Mason next too her.
"What's wrong?" Will asked looking where I was looking. "Oh". Max looked confused. "What is 'oh'? Is it that boy next too El" Max asked crossing her arms. "He usually dates all the girls in school, they all think he's charming" Lucas explained. Max tilted her head. "He's not that attractive" she answered, Lucas smiled at his girlfriend before kissing her forehead. I sighed before walking over too them. I could hear that the rest of them was following me. "Hey El" I said when I got close to them. "Mike!" Her eyes started sparkling and she hugged me. I hugged her back kissing her softly. "Wow never thought Mike Wheeler would have a girlfriend" Mason said carelessly. El just kept smiling at Mike.
At least she doesn't seem too like him. "Well I better get going pretty brown eyes" Mason said winking at El, before leaving. "Was something wrong with his eye?" El asked confused. "Yeah he has some sort of illness" I said seriously.
The guys snickers as El and I walk over to my bike.

Eleven's POV:

We finally arrived at Mike's house, and he didn't say a single word too me. We went up too his room and he just started to clean his room up. That is weird, he usually doesn't care. Something tells me that he's doing it so he doesn't have to talk too me. "Mike?" I asked my voice small. "Yes?" He answered not looking at me. "Are you mad at me?" I asked looking down. I could feel him sitting down next to me. "No El, it's just- well it's just, I'm j-jealous" he said his cheeks red. "What is jealous?" I asked. He sighed and looked down on his lap. "Well when your jealous, you don't like other people saying they think they're girlfriend/boyfriend are pretty. They get you know a little mad or I guess scared that you girlfriend wants too be with someone else" Mike say a looking at the door. "You can also get jealous if people have something you don't have and you want it. That's also being jealous" he said looking down on the ground. "Are you jealous of Mason?" I asked whispering. He nodded blushing. "Why would I want too be with Mason?" I asked pulling his chin up. "It's just you are a beautiful girl, and he's a good looking guy. Good looking people usually wants too be together" he said embarrassed. "But Mike you're handsome" I said smiling. He looked surprised for a moment before smiling a bit.
"Really I'm handsome?" He asks getting closer too me. "Yes of course" I say giggling. He smirks before whispering in my ear. "More handsome than Mason?" I gulped. "Yes" I whispered. He kissed me passionately. I kissed him back before pulling away. "Do you want too kiss me?" I asked smirking. He nodded eagerly. "Then you have too catch me" I said running downstairs.

Nancy's POV:

I was sitting in the kitchen eating some fruit, when El came running down the stairs. Mike was behind her. "I'm going too catch you" he yells laughing. "Never" El yells back. I stand up wanting put the plate away when El ran into me.
"Wow hey pretty girl, I didn't know you where here" I said smiling down at her. "You can't call me pretty" El said. Mike gave El a look. "Why not?" I ask loving Mike's face expression. "He says he gets jealous when the other people call me pretty, especially Mason from school" she said smirking. Mike started too blush before running after her again. El ran away giggling. I burst out laughing when they are down in the basement. I have too tease Mike about this later.


Hey guys!

So @honestlycandor won the cover contest! Here is the new cover for "Without you"

So @honestlycandor won the cover contest! Here is the new cover for "Without you"

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I want too say thank you too everyone who sent me a cover. They were all beautiful!

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