Episode 53: Ten

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Eleven's POV:

"Mike put me down!", I laughed. Mike was carrying me around because I told him my feet hurt. "No, my princesses' feet hurt, It's my duty to carry you".

I gave Mike a kiss when he sat me down on a bench in the park. He kissed me back and pulled away a second after. "What do you think would have happened if I didn't escape the lab when we were twelve?", I ask taking a bite from my eggo.

"I don't know, but we would find each other eventually. You're my soulmate. I love you", Mike said poking my nose. I giggled and kissed him. "I love you too". Mike kept kissing me and my hands found it's way to the back of his head. His hands carefully found their way around my hips. I pulled at his hair and he groaned into my mouth.

"Eleven?", a voice said behind us.

Mike's POV:

"Eleven?", a voice said behind us. El looked before me and gasped. I turned my head and saw a boy around our age. He had short blond hair and green eyes. He was a little taller then me, and his body was a bit more build . El stood up and ran over to him. He caught her in his arms and hugged her. I starred at the two and crossed my arms.

"I miss you", the boy said and I bit my lip, to stop myself from saying something. "I've missed you too". El pulled away and walked over to me with him. I stood up and faked smiled.

"Mike this is Ten. He escaped from the lab with Nine and Eight around a week before me. Ten this is Mike, the boy who saved me and he's my boyfriend", El said taking my hand in hers. I smiled when she said boyfriend. Yeah she isn't single buddy. 

"Nice to meet you. So you have powers too?", I ask him wearing my fake smile.

"Yeah, I can read minds buddy. But I'm not as powerful as Eleven. That's why the doctors stopped making more subjects when El was born, because she's so powerful".

Ten looked at El and smiled. "Nine and Eight are in New York. I was just coming here to make sure the lab is gone for good. If you want to you can come with me, and live with us", Ten told El.

I looked at Ten my face filled with rage. El looked down and the up at me. She was considering it. I let go of her hand and started to walk away. "Mike!" I didn't stop. I kept walking until I was home and then I threw myself down on the couch. And then I started crying.

Will's POV:

I was reading a comic book when El opened the door to my bedroom. She was looking sad and I stood up and hugged her. "What's wrong?", I asked her. She shook her head and sat down on my bed.

"You should go comfort Mike, he's sad too. Just tell him I wasn't going to leave and that I love him okay?", and with that she walked out of my room. I was just standing there thinking about what she said before walking to my bike and riding home to Mike. 


I knocked on the Wheeler's door, and Ted opened. As soon as he saw it was me, he rolled his eyes and stepped away from the door. I walked up the stairs and walked in through Mike's door. Mike was laying in his bed crying and I walked over to the bed and hugged him. He hugged me back and sobbed into my shoulder.

"What happened?", I ask him as he stops crying. "El and I were in the park when this guy named Ten was all over El. He apparently escaped the lab along with some other 'subjects'. He asked El if she wanted to go with him to New York and live with him and the others. She considered  it, Will", Mike said looking down.

"Well El told me to tell you that she wasn't going to leave and that she loves you. I don't think you should be scared, she obviously won't leave you. So you're going to carry your ass all the way home to our house and talk with her".

Mike sighed and stood up. He walked out of the house and I made my way to Valerie's house.

Mike's POV:

I knocked on the front door, and Hopper opened the door and smiled at me. "Hello Mike", Hopper said letting me in. I smiled at him before making my way to El's room. I knocked on the door and waited. I stood there for five minutes before opening the door. El was sleeping in her bed covered in blankets. I chuckled. El is always cold and have to use at least three blankets to be warm.

I sat down next to her and moved a strand of her hair behind her ear. She snuggled closer to me and mumbled; "Mike". I grinned. She even knows it's me when she's sleeping. I lay down next to her and hold her. I make small circles with my finger on her arm. She opened her eyes and looked at me.

"I'm sorry. I won't ever leave you Mike, I love you so much", El whisper and bite her lip. I kiss her cheek and smile. "No I'm sorry. I should have stayed with you. I can't imagine how hard it must be to be in that situation. I love you too. Where's Ten?", I ask.

"He left", El says looking a little sad. "There's something I don't understand. Why didn't you escape with them? Did they just leave you?!", I ask suddenly mad again.

"No it was the plan. They were to busy with me so they wouldn't notice them escaping, and when they did I could escape. Because they would be busy looking for them. We were supposed to meet in the woods, but then I met you guys. And I just felt like I could trust you", El said smiling. 

"God I want to kiss you right now", I whispered looking at her lips. "Do it then", El whispered back.

I kissed her.


Hey guys!

I love the song above the chapter. It's "Forest Fire" by Brighton. It has all the Mileven feels. If you haven't heard it yet, go listen to it.

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See you tomorrow.

Stay Strange!

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