Episode 7: Nightmares

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Mike's POV:

We all decided that we would get El out from the upside down. The only one who hesitate was Joyce, it's not because she didn't want to save El, but she is scared that she will loose Will again. I slowly went home with Nancy and went to the basement.

I walked over to the fort and laid down. I just told Nancy that I loved Eleven. She started talking about how young I am, and that I probably don't know what love is. The thing is, I know I love El, I know it. I don't care if everybody tells me that I don't love her, because honestly, how would they know? It's not like they know my feelings. With that thought I fell asleep.


I was walking around the woods searching for Eleven. I could hear someone call my name in the distance. I suddenly just fell and landed in water. I tried but couldn't swims I was pulled down by something, and then everything was black around me and the water was gone. "Mike" a voice I knew well said behind me. I turned around and ran over to Eleven. I tackled her in a hug and kissed her. She kissed back and pulled away slowly. "El" I said taking her appearance in. She looked jut like she did when she went missing. "Mike what are you doing here" Eleven said backing away from me. "I came to save you" I said walking slowly towards her. "No stay away Mike!" She screamed. I backed away a little in surprise. "Why El? I love you, why are you pushing me away?!" I screamed. She stared at me for a second before answering. "Because Mike, I don't love you". She faded away slowly and I just stood there.

She doesn't love me.

She doesn't love me!


*End of dream*

I sat up quickly and panicked. It was just a dream Mike, just a dream. I slowly laid down again and started to cry. Crying seems to be the only thing I'm doing lately.

Eleven's POV:

After getting the food from the box in the woods I went to the fort. I laid down after eating looking around the room. I closed my eyes trying to get a little sleep.


I was sitting in the basement looking at the boys playing D&D. I was laughing inside at their faces looking serious. I smiled and looked down at my hands. There was an eggo in my hand and I toke a bit. I looked up again and they were all looking at me. Mike got up and started to speak. "Get out of here you ugly thing we don't want you" he said his eyes showing no emotion. "You are the monster Eleven. Don't you get it?" He asked and pointed on my hands. I looked down and saw claws coming out from my hands. I screamed.

*End of dream*

I opened my eyes and looked around. There was no Mike, or any of the other boys. I sigh and get up. That was enough sleep.



I know it wasn't a good chapter but hey I updated!

Until next time, bye bye strangers!

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