Episode 57: I'm Over Him (Not)

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You guys are going to love this chapter! ;-D

Eleven's POV:

I'm looking at myself in the mirror. I look sad, tired and heartbroken. I keep asking myself, why? Why did he sleep with her? Is it because I'm not pretty enough? Probably. I walk over to my bed, and throw myself down. "El?", a voice says while knocking. "Come in!"

Will steps in through the door, and closes it. He walks over to me and sits down next to me. I sigh and turn to look at him. Will looks worried when he looks at me. "Are you okay?", he asks taking my hand in his. I look down and try not to cry.

I hate when people ask me if I'm okay. Because when they do, I start crying. I can't control it.  "Yes, I'm fine. I'm over him", I tell Will before looking myself in the mirror again. Will looks at me questionable.

This is the last time anyone is ever going to hurt me, physically or emotionally.

"Yeah I'm fine. It's not like the first boyfriend you ever have is supposed to the one you're with. I mean, look at you and Jennifer! You guys didn't last, but now you have Valerie", I said standing up. 

I walked over to my mirror and picked up my hairbrush, and started to brush my shoulder-legend hair. I turned around to look at Will and say; "Besides I'm over Mike. Can you go? I want to be alone".

Will nods and walk out of my room.

Mike's POV:


I'm laying on the couch, Lucas and Dustin are sitting on some chairs. We're not saying anything at all. They don't know what to say and I have nothing to say. Suddenly the door opens, and Will walks in.

"Hey.....", Will says. "I'm sorry I punched you in the face Mike. I was mad because you hurt El, but I forgot I'm your friend too". I smile at Will and say; "It's okay, I understand".

"How's El?", Dustin asks Will, and I look down. "This morning when I walked into her room she looked really sad. But then she started talking about how you usually don't stay with your first boyfriend. And that she was over......", Will trailed of looking at me worriedly.

I sigh and walk over to my jacket. "I need some ice cream, you guys want to come?", I ask and they all nod their head yes.


We just entered the ice cream restaurant, when I heard the most beautiful laugh. I looked to my right, and saw El hanging out with two girls and two boys. I looked down sighed. The others looked at El, before finding a table in the corner.

I keep starring at El, while Lucas ordered ice cream for my. One of the boys El was with put some ice cream on El's nose with his spoon. I narrowed my eyes and took a bite of my chocolate ice cream.

"Dude if looks could kill, you would've killed that guy a long time ago", Dustin says jokingly. I look at him and bite my lip. "Do you think she's over me?", I ask.

"Definitely not, you guys broke up yesterday, she's pretending", Lucas says patting my shoulder. I look over at El and she's hugging the boy with the spoon. "Who is he?", I ask taking another bite of ice cream.

"That's Jason. He's a year older then us, the rest of them is in our grade. He's a little of a bad boy, but his actually really nice", Max explained as she walked over to our table. "Thanks for inviting me by the way", she says sarcasm dripping from her words. 

Eleven's POV:

I've talked with these guys before. I talked with them when we were thirteen (well Jason was fourteen), when I had to pick Mike up from school.

"Why is that boy starring at you?", Hannah asks. I follow her eyes and see Mike and the boys. I looked down and sighed. "Ex-boyfriend", I say stealing some of Jason's ice cream.

Diana asks; "When did you break up?" I look up and bite my lip. "Yesterday", I tell them, and their eyes widened. I look over at Mike and I make eye contact with him for a second before looking away.

"Isn't that Mike Wheeler? Oh poor boy. Camilla from our grate got Mason to spike his drinks. And then Camilla undressed him to make it look like he slept with her", Cameron explained. I starred at him with my mouth open.

"Wait was that why you guys broke up? Jesus El! You have get him back!", Jason tells me pushing me up from my seat. I slowly walk over to Mike's table and stand in front of him. Mike is looking at me with hurt in his eyes.

"Can I talk with you outside?", I ask him, he nods and stands up. We walk outside and go to the back of the restaurant, so the boys and my new friends can't see us. We stand in silence until I kiss him.

He kiss me back, and lift me, as I sneak my legs around his waist. He backs me up against the wall of the restaurant. I kiss him passionately and run my fingers through his hair. His lips slowly travels down to my neck. It starts to rain, and my clothes sticks to my body. Mike pulls away and looks at me with love in his eyes.

"You still love me?", he asks and I smile while nodding. He smiles and starts kissing me again. I kiss him back before jumping off him. He takes my hand in his, and we walk back into the restaurant. When I come in Jonas, Cameron, Hannah and Diana are gone, but the boys and Max are still there.

"El your friends left, but they left a note for you", Will tells me, handing me a note. 'You're welcome xoxo Jonas'. I chuckle and throw the note out. I take a chair from another table, and sit down next to Mike. "I see you guys are friends again", Lucas says amused.

"Diana, one of my new friends, told me that Camilla made Mason spike Mike's drinks and when Mike was drunk, she undressed him and made it look like they uh, you know", I tell them kissing Mike's right cheek.

They were all angry, but Mike was starring at me with a smile. He leaned in and whispered; "I happy your still mine". I smiled and kissed him.

I will probably get hurt more then I can count if I stay with Mike, but it's worth it. Because I love him.

I love Mike.


Hey guys!

Are you still mad at me? Can we be friends again?

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See you tomorrow.

Stay Strange!

Snapchat: annikabooklover

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