29# One-shot: Road Trip

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They're twenty. 

Dustin's POV:

"Shut the fuck up!" Lucas yells.

We're all sitting in a car (Max, Lucas, Will, Mike and El), and Max and I keep singing. El and        Mike are cuddling in the backseat.  Will is just smiling and Lucas is driving.

"I can't concentrate if you guys keep yelling!" Lucas says.

 We've been driving for four hours, and we're on our way to a beach. We wanted to have a reunion outside of Hawkins. Max and Lucas is at the same college and Mike, El, Will and I are at the same college.

"Your so sensitive," Max says mockingly. I wonder what Mike and El are doing I look back at them, to find them looking in to each others eyes lovingly. I pretend to gag, and throw a candy bar at them. El turns and glares at me.

I laugh and turn back to Will.

"Are you excited to get some sun, when we're on the beach?" I ask Will.

"Yeah... I think it's going to be fun," Will answers.

We finally arrive and I'm the on out first. Lucas is following right behind me, throwing one of the blanket at me. Mike and El are the last ones to get out of the car, and they're still holding hands.

I sigh. I wish I had a relationship like that.

Mike's POV:

I love holding El in my arms.

I feel so safe knowing she's with me. I know it's sounds crazy, I just feel like she's safe as long as she's in my arms or at least holding my hand.

"Do you remember when you taught me to swim?" El asks me.

I smile and nod my head, and kiss her forehead softly. El smiles up at me. She's so beautiful. Her hair is a little below her shoulders and its curly.  Her brown eyes are sparkling and her skin is clean and soft. 

"Why are you starring at me?" El asks me with a smile on her lips.

"You're just extremely beautiful," I tell her.

El grins and gives me a peck on the lips. 

"Come on, let's go swim!" El says excitedly and run towards the others, my hand still in hers. She's basically pulling me.

We take our clothes off (our swimwear is under our clothes), and run into the water. El is splashing water at me and I do the same to her. I lift her up, before throwing her into water once again.

The others are right behind us, and we start playing chicken. El is on my shoulders, Max is on Lucas' shoulders and Will is on Dustin's shoulders.

El and I end up winning (because my girlfriend is awesome and because she has powers). The others are demanding a rematch, with a new rule: El isn't aloud to use her powers.

El and I decide to just watch the others instead and we sit on the sand next to the shore. El is sitting on my lap, and my arms are around her. We're watching the sunset.

"I love you so much." I tell El.

"I love you too," El says smiling.


Hey guys!

I'm so sorry I haven't updated the last to Saturdays. I was in London the first Saturday and I wasn't feeling very well last Saturday.

Did you like this on-shot?

See you next Saturday.

Stay Strange!

Bookstagram: annika_book_lover

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