Episode 36: I'm going to kill Mason

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Mike's POV:

I was ready to beat the shit out of Mason. How could he do that? I was waiting for Mason at lunch along with the others. "What was he thinking?" Max asked.
"He's probably mad that El doesn't like him" Dustin said sighing. We waited and waited, but he didn't show up. "Where is he?" Lucas asks. I shrugged and went to class.

Eleven's POV:

I asked mom if I could go for a walk before we started doing homework. She agreed and I was now walking around town. It's really quite and I don't really like it. The boys and Max are usually loud, but there is so silent. I was looking at a flower, but then I was pulled into an allay. No the bad men are here to take me. But it wasn't the bad men.  Mason's friends were holding me up against the wall and Mason was standing awfully close. "Hey pretty brown eyes" Mason said. I'm frozen and I forgot everything I've learned through the years. "You still want to be with frog face?" He asked getting closer. I nodded. "Well I'm sorry for doing this" he said and kissed me. I tried to bit his lip but he thought that was good apparently. He groaned. His hands went from my shoulder down my body until they landed on my hips. He slowly started to pull down my skirt, and that was when I woke up. I threw Mason off me with my powers and broke one of his friends nose and the others foot.  They were all crying in pain and I ran away as fast as I could.

I ran through the door and locked the door to my room. Mom tried to open the door, but I started crying like crazy. I cheated on Mike. I just kept crying.

Nancy's POV:

I got a call from Joyce again. I don't mind helping El since she's new to everything.
I knocked on the door and Joyce opened the door. "Thank god your here Nancy. She just ran into her room crying. I have never seen her cry so much" Joyce said looking worried. I nodded and went to El's room. "Hey El open the door" I said softly.
I could hear her crying a lot. What is going on? "El it's just me" I said a little louder.
El opens the door a few seconds later. Her eyes were red and she was crying non-stop. "What's wrong?" I asked hugging her. She pulled me into her room and locked the door. "Promise you won't tell?" She said look out the window. "I promise" I said taking her hands. "M-Mason pulled me into this dark place and his friends were holding me. Mason kissed me and t-touched my body. He t-tried to p-pull down my s-skirt.
I pushed them away with my powers" she said. I was shocked. Who is Mason?
"It's okay To El go to sleep" I said and she laid down on her bed. I sat with her hand in mine until she was asleep.

I walked out of El's room and saw the boys and Max there. "Why did El not pick me up?" Mike asked. "Who's Mason?" I asked crossing my arms. "Mason is this boy in school who had a crush or what ever on El, why?" Max asked. I sighed and looked at Joyce. "Can I talk to you in private?" I asked walking to the kitchen. Jonathan was sitting in the kitchen. "Jonathan leave" Joyce said. "No it's okay, he wants to know to right?" I said sitting down. Joyce sat down as well. "So apparently this boy named Mason has a crush on El. Well he toke that to the next level. When El was out going for a walk, she was pulled into a 'dark place'. Which I assume is an ally. Mason's friends were holding El while Mason was kissing and touching her body. He tried to pull down her skirt too. But then she used her powers and pushed them away" I said. Joyce and Jonathan were silent before Jonathan stood up and walked out of the kitchen.

Mike's POV:

We saw Jonathan stomp put of he kitchen and into El's room. "What's going on?" I asked the boys. They all shrugged and I was getting scared. What happened to El?  
Joyce and Nancy walked out of the kitchen and looked at us. "So um guys we don't know how to tell you this" Nancy said. Joyce looked like she was about to cry. "So something happened to El today, while she was going for a walk" Nancy started but broke down. She walked out of the house and Joyce was looking down.

"You know that Mason guy?" Joyce asks. We all nod out heads. "Well he um kissed El and we think he tried to um rape her" Joyce said. "WHAT?!" Screamed Will. I was frozen. That's why he wasn't in school. "We don't know if that was his intentions since El doesn't doesn't know what rape is. But she told us that he tried to take her skirt off while his friends were holding her" Joyce said. Max was leaning her head against Lucas's shoulder and he had a arm around her. "C-can I talk to her?" I asked standing up. Joyce nodded and I walked to her room. Right before I opened El's door I heard Dustin ask if they were going to police report it. I opened the door and saw Jonathan holding El while crying. "Hey" I said quietly. Jonathan looked up. "I guess you want to spend some time with her?" He asked. I nodded and he stood up. "Just don't do anything got it" Jonathan said sadly. "I would never" I tell him. He nods before walking out of the room. I sit down next to El and run my fingers through her hair.

"Mike?" El asked when she woke up. "Hey beautiful" I say smiling her. She smiles before breaking down crying. I hug her and kiss her forehead. "It's okay El" I say.
"It's my fault" she whispered. "No El it's not your fault. Mason is a mouth breather" I said kissing her softly. She kisses me back but pulls away. "But I kissed someone else" El said. "But it wasn't your fault. I promise you. I love you to the moon and back" I kiss her again. "I love you too" she said before falling asleep in my arms.

I'm going to kill Mason.


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Stay Strange!

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