9# One-shot: Max and Lucas

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(They're sixteen years old)

Mike's POV:

"I hate girls!" Lucas yells throwing the D&D board around the room. Lucas and Max are in a fight about something.

"What happened?" Dustin asks.

"Max thought I was flirting with another girl," Lucas explains.

I've been through that before, El thinking that I liked another girl, or me thinking El likes someone else. El always thinks that way, because she feels ugly and I think that way because I feel like I'm not enough.

"Maybe she feels insecure?" I say out loud.

Lucas looks at me for a minute. He suddenly looks down and sighs.


"I don't know. We all feel insecure sometimes right?"

Will nods his head and goes back to drawing. Dustin keeps eating his chips and Lucas just stares at the air.

"She did tell me she thought her hair looked weird and that she felt fat, I didn't answer her when she said that..."

Dustin mumbles: "Idiot."

Lucas groans and stands up. "I have to go," he says, walking away.

Eleven's POV:

Max was crying against my shoulder.

"Lucas thinks that girl is prettier then me. She doesn't have weird red hair, and she is skinny,"

She just came barging into my room and threw herself down on my bed.

"Max you're non of those things, you're extremely beautiful."

Max shakes her head and I sigh. I know how she's feeling. I'm the weird girl who escaped a lab, with no hair or vocabulary. Oh and powers.

Sometimes I wonder what Mike ever saw/sees in me.

There was a loud knock on the door and I stand up to open the it. Lucas is on the other side of the door looking out of breath.

"I-Is Max here?"

I nod my head and he walks inside. I walk outside of my room and sit in the living room.

What is Mike doing right now?


I walk over to the door and open it to see Mike. I smile and kiss him softly, he kisses me back with a smile on his face.

"Are Max and Lucas friends again?" I shrug and walk over to my bedroom and open the door.

Max and Lucas are making out on the bed, and Max is missing her shirt. I gasp and close the door.

"What?" Mike asks.

I just shake my head and lay my head against Mike's chest. He put his arms around my waist and hugs me tight against his body.

I sigh and close my eyes.

This is were I want to be, the rest of my life.


Hey guys!

I'm sorry these one-shots are really short, but I'm at work almost every Saturday, plus homework and I'm tired.

What did you think of the one-shot?

See you next Saturday.

Stay Strange!

Snapchat: annikabooklover

Bookstagram: annika_book_lover

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