Episode 39: The beach

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Will's POV:

Today we were going to the beach. We figured it would be a good idea, since El haven't been on a beach before. El went to the mall with Nancy yesterday, to get a swimsuit. El came barging out of her room smiling. The boys, Max and Sally were going as well. "Beach now?" El asked. I chuckled and nodded. The others were meeting us there, Nancy and Jonathan would drive us there. They would also be there, if anything should happen. We went to the car and drove to the beach.

Mike's POV:

I was waiting with the boys, Max and Sally, when El (and the others) came in Jonathan's car. El stepped out and the sun was shining on her beautiful hair. She was smiling and looking around the beach. I ran up to her, and kissed her. "Hey El" I whispered. "Hey" she whispered back. She was wearing a yellow dress, and her short hair was braided (as much as it could). I took her hand in mine, and walked over to the others. "Hey El" Sally said. El smiled at her, and then Will, Jonathan and Nancy came.

El and I were sitting on a blanket eating strawberries. "Do you want to go swimming" I asked. She nodded and took her dress off. I starred at her swimsuit. It was a one piece pink swimsuit, with white dots. "Y-you look b-beautiful" I stuttered. The other boys started laughing. "Y-you look b-beautiful. Will you marry me?" Lucas teased and I groaned. "Come on El" I said and we walked to the ocean. El stopped up, just as we were about to walk in. "I-I can't swim" she said looking down. "I know El, we won't go to far, okay?" She nodded and grabbed my hand. We slowly stepped into the water. We kept going until the water reached El's shoulders.

"Is this okay?" I asked. The water only reached to my chest. She nodded and she splashed some water on me. I starred at El, before splashing back, laughing. She laughed and we kept splashing on each other. El gave up and hugged me. I hugged her back. A big wave came and El's head came under the water for two seconds. "El are you okay?" I asked. She smiled and nodded her head. I smiled and kissed her. She kissed me back, holding me tight. We kissed for a long time before I heard Jonathan yell; "Keep your hands to yourself Wheeler". I stepped away and started to blush. El laughed.

El's POV:

Mike carried me up from the water and I giggled. I remembered when we first met Mike was too small to carry me. I laughed and Mike looked down at me. "What are you laughing about?" He asked smiling. "When we first met, you couldn't carry me" I said giggling. Mike blushed but kissed my nose. "You're too adorable".

"Jonathan took a lot of pictures of you guys" Dustin said. Jonathan showed us the pictures (pretend that they could see the pictures on the camera).
There was a picture of me splashing water on Mike. There was a picture of Mike splashing water on me. There was one where Mike and I were hugging. Then one where Mike and I were kissing, with the sun in the background. Mike smiled at the picture. "Jonathan can you make that picture to me?" Mike asked still smiling at the picture.
"Sure" Jonathan said starring at Nancy.

"If you like Nancy, then say it to her" I told Jonathan. Jonathan choked on air, and the others started to laugh. "I can't to that El, she has a boyfriend" Jonathan told me. "Well she's never with him, she's always with you" I told him. He starred at Nancy before getting up. We all watched as Jonathan started to talk with Nancy. Nancy looked at him and her eyes got wide. Nancy started to smile before she kissed him.

Mike and Will high five, and we are all cheering. Nancy pushed Jonathan into the water, but he pulled her down with her. They started to laugh. "El, the love expert" Sally said. They all agreed, which I was confused about, but I let it slide. Lucas picked Max up, and ran to the water. He threw her in before jumping in himself. Dustin, Sally and Will also jumped into the water.

Mike and I were laying on the blanket. I had my eyes closed, but I could feel Mike starring. "You're so beautiful El" he said, making small circles on my arm. I looked at him. "I love you Mike" I told him. He kissed me. "I love you too". We started kissing again, not long time after, a beach ball hit Mike in the back off his head. "Quit making out with my sister" Jonathan yelled. Mike and I started to laugh, before joining the others in the water.


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