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Okay, so...this was the first time Jimin would spend the night at his boyfriend's house.

No, they aren't kids. Both males had very stable and enjoyable jobs.

It's just...the shyness in Jimin was starting to show.

He was fiddling with his fingers when Jungkook greeted him at the door, and his heart pounded while they talked all night.

He knew how he wanted to spend the night- cuddled up with Jungkook. But telling the younger that was difficult when he could barely breathe.

"What side of the bed do you want?" The raven haired male asked, throwing the decorative pillows in the floor as Jimin stood in the doorway.

"I don't care," the older smiled, pulling his shirt sleeves over his fingers more.

Jungkook smiled at the cute action then turned the covers down, "I'm gonna go wash my face, but you can get comfy."

"Okay," Jimin nodded, watching the younger as he disappeared into the bathroom.

He let out a breath and leaned against the wall, pulling his phone from his pocket.

Tae, I'm freakin' out! What do I do! Omo, my heart's pounding!

He put his phone on the nightstand and climbed into bed, hiding underneath the sheets.

Once his phone tinged, he reached out to get it and quickly read Tae Hyung's message.

Calm down and breathe. Nothing bad will happen because u love him and he loves u. Have a good night Jiminie :)

The short male exhaled, realizing that Tae Hyung's way of seeing it was the best way.

His relationship had been strong for almost a year now, so taking this much needed step was just normal.

The sound of Jungkook's footsteps made Jimin toss his phone to the floor and cower under the covers again. Yet a soft chuckle from the younger made him peek over them.

"What was that for? You aren't cheating on me are you?" Jungkook joked as he picked up Jimin's phone.

He laid it on the nightstand and climbed over Jimin's body to lay beside him.

The older turned to his other side and stared at Jungkook. He had a content smile on his lips and his eyes were closed. His bangs had flown up, revealing his forehead, but out of everything, Jimin noticed how his hand lay open in front of his own face.

"It's nice," Jungkook quietly said, "Having you here, that is."

Jimin blushed, but reached over and laced his fingers through Kook's.

"You're quiet now," Jungkook turned his head and looked at him, "You're never quiet."

"I'm nervous," Jimin whispered, "I've never stayed at a boyfriend's house before. At least not over night."

"Oh," Jungkook smiled, "I'm glad then," his free hand went to Jimin's hair.


"Because I'm the first. It makes me feel happy for some reason," he huffed out a laugh and rolled to his side so he could see Jimin better.

Jimin's phone tinged again and the older let out a squeak, his blush darkening, "Sorry."

"It's fine," Jungkook smiled, "Just answer him."

"Okay," Jimin pushed the blankets down then rolled over. He grabbed his phone and turned it on.

But not too much fun pleaz stay innocent <3 u

Tae had sent him another message, one that made him blush. He threw his phone to the ground then rolled over. Forgetting about how nervous he was, Jimin snuggled into the other.

Jungkook let out a small laugh, wrapping his arms around Jimin's smaller frame, "What'd he say?"

"Nothing, forget it. Just worry about us for tonight."

"Okay," Kook ducked his head down and kissed Jimin's forehead.

And they stayed like that, Jimin falling asleep to the sound of Jungkook's heartbeat. The younger followed soon after, the calming and reassuring sound of the older's gentle snores lulling him to sleep.


Music startled Jimin awake. He jumped a bit, causing the bed to shift.

Jungkook's phone alarm was blaring through the room.

"Sorry Jimin," Jung mumbled, rolling over to wrap his arm around Jimin's waist, "Can you turn it off for me?"

Jimin reached out, vision blurry since he no longer had his glasses.

It took a second for him to be able to focus on his task, but when he was thinking clearly he brought the phone to his face.

Get up and talk to ur gorgeous bf splayed across the screen.

Jimin smiled at that and turned off the music. He put Jungkook's phone back then snuggled into the taller.
"You're phone is very good at giving compliments."

"Huh?" Jungkook opened one eye.

"It told me I was gorgeous."

The younger blushed, causing Jimin to giggle, "I didn't think that all the way through."

"No, you didn't," Jimin inhaled, closing his eyes, "But I don't mind. You're absent-mindedness makes me happy."

"My alarm title makes you happy," Kook grumbled.

"That does, too, yes."

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