Celestial Beings

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The shorter male charged towards the taller, sword gripped tightly in his hands as the two weapons collided.

A growl came from the taller, a familiar spark resonating throughout his body.

A low chuckle fell from the raven haired males lips as the two of them became closer.

"You've been practicing," the Demon grumbled.

"You've been working." The Angel smirked, jumping back and fixing his grip on the hilt, "I get bored sometimes."

"Jimin," the Demon dropped his practice sword to his side, "I'm hungry."

The Angel giggled and skillfully swung his own practice weapon in a broad circle, "You're always hungry, Jungkook."

The taller moved to his lover and wrapped him in a hug, his hands feeling the scar tissue on the Angel's back, "That's because my Angel makes the best food."

Jimin rolled his eyes, his hand threading through the other's raven locks. He could feel the stumps where Jungkook's horns used to be, but now they were gone. The smoothed down remnants remained hidden in the Demon's fluffy hair.

"Let's go take a bath. I've been working all afternoon. I stink."

"You do," the Angel agreed, a sly smirk splaying on his lips, "We'll go tonight, just to make sure we're alone."


After their escape from the Demon palace, the two males made it to the village of mortals, undetected.

They've been playing it safe for months now, maybe almost a whole year.

They've been together, happily, every day of their lives.

Sometimes, Jimin missed flying, but when he talked to the mortals and heard their love of simple things, he reminded himself to not be greedy.

Then there were the days that Jimin didn't feel beautiful without his wings. Jungkook made sure to convince him otherwise, though.

Those were the nights where neighbors came to ask if Jimin was alright.

The two of them managed to build a small cottage in a month and a half, mainly through sheer determination to prove that they could out-work one another.

The silly competitions the two had kept them strong. When they weren't teasing or playing, the memories of their past threatened to tear them apart.

Jungkook still wasn't happy that Jimin let Yoon Gi bed him, but at the same time he understood that Jimin only enjoyed being bedded by the younger Demon.

When Jimin shouted this at him, they usually ended up in front of the fire, wrapped around each other in a noisy, sweaty tangle of limbs.

Today wasn't one of those days...yet.

The two never knew when they'd end up in bed. It was always a surprise. Jungkook had been working all day as well, so that also contributed to their situation.

Jimin had dinner made in less than a half hour, and he served his Demon on the small table that they made.

"Thanks Angel," Jungkook grabbed the shorter's arm and pulled him down into a kiss.

"You're welcome," Jimin smiled and moved to sit across from the latter, starting to eat as well, only slowly and his bowl was only half full.

"Are you not hungry?"

"No, I'm gaining weight. Even if I train all day, my stomach's still getting bigger."

Jungkook paused and looked up from his lunch, "Do you... Maybe you're with child."

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