[S] Baby Boy

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"They're so cute together."

"Can't say I'm not jealous."

"I want them to break up so I can go out with one of them, but at the same time I don't because it's so adorable."

These were some of the many comments Jimin heard on a daily basis when he passed people in the halls.

He knew they were talking about him, they always were. All because he was dating Jungkook.

At first, the attention was embarrassing, especially since it was regarding his relationship. Slowly though, he got used to it and didn't care. He still listened to other people's conversations about him and Kook. It was funny to hear how people thought the younger was the submissive one.

In public, neither Jimin or Jungkook took on a role of dominant or submissive. Yet, when by themselves, Jimin was a little bitch for the younger boy. Just goes to show that age is irrelevant.

"Hyung," Jungkook's voice sounded in his ear, deep and alluring. It filled his brain and he had to turn around and grab the younger's shirt for stability.

"Hey Kookie," Jimin smiled up at him, noticing how his eyes were glazed over.

"My parents are going to a dinner party today. They're gonna be gone all night."

"Really," Jimin smirked, pushing his hands up to wrap around the other's neck. "Why should I care?" he whispered.

Jung rolled his eyes, "You know perfectly well why. Wanna ride home with me or not?"

"I don't have anything with me, how will I stay the night? You know I have to have my cuddles."

"I know all about you and your cuddles," Jungkook smiled, "Just thought I could get you there faster."

"If they're gonna be gone all night, then I don't see why we should be in a rush."

"Fair point," Kook leaned down and gave him a slow, needy kiss.

Jimin giggled, his left hand dropping down to grab the younger's right. 

When they broke apart, they started walking towards the exit where students parked if they drove to school.

"See you later," Jimin popped up on his toes and pecked the other's cheek before dashing towards his car.

Kook's car was a few rows back from his, but the younger simply walked. He saw no need to hurry if Jimin was going home first before coming to see him.


An hour later, Jimin waltzed into Jungkook's room, throwing his backpack and duffle bag into the corner.

Jung's parents were still getting ready to leave, so Jimin hadn't pounced on the younger yet, but today was a good day.

About twenty minutes later, the front door shut and Jimin heard his boyfriend sigh...or groan, it was kind of a mix.

He got up and made his way downstairs before he found Kook in the kitchen, making sandwiches of all things.

"Sup?" Jimin leaned over the counter and stared up at the younger when he stood beside him.

"Nothing babe," Jung smiled to him, but it was obviously fake.

"Seriously Jungkookie," Jimin pouted and stood up straight, "What's wrong?"

The younger handed him a sandwich before exhaling, "I....my dad's suspicious is all. Really frustrating when he pokes his nose in my business."

"Oh...should I come over less?"

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