[s] Favorite Student

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Eyyy! Trigger warning for abuse. Nothing graphic, just mentions of it.

Mr. Park loved his job. He'd been teaching for four years, and was proud to say that he hadn't had a student fail his class yet.

Some of his fellow teachers and district observers said that it was his engaging methods of teaching, others said that it was because he was animated and enthusiastic.

Jimin himself just enjoyed teaching, so he credited it all to the love of his job.

He liked the friends he made as a teacher, especially his older friend Kim Seokjin.

Kim was a foods teacher, meaning he taught kids how to cook and told them the properties of certain foods.

Jimin was also a fan of meeting such large amounts people. Every year, he got a new group of students and the former groups always came back to see him.

Now...for the past four years, he'd been very serious and very professional about his job.

But, at the beginning of his fifth year as a teacher, he met a student who gained his attention instantly.

He was a tall guy, with black hair and dark eyes. His skin was only slightly dark, and he seemed to enjoy clothes on the baggier side. He was quiet, compassionate, shy, cute, helpful, respectful-

But Jimin never wanted to be that creepy, old teacher who hit on students. He wanted to remain professional and serious. He wanted to keep his job.

It was so hard though! It was so hard to resist the urge to pull this kid into his lap.


Jimin's head snapped up from his desk and he looked straight into the dark eyes of Jeon Jungkook.

"Yes? Did you finish your paper?"

"Mhm," the small smile that appeared on Jung's lips made Jimin smile brightly.

The student held his paper out and Jimin reached out to take it. The teacher couldn't help noticing the way Jungkook's hands looked so small in his baggy, uniform jacket sleeves.

"Thank you, Mr. Jeon."

The student slightly nodded and turned away, going back to his desk.

Jimin laid Jungkook's paper in the stack with the other kids', then looked to his computer.

According to his calendar, it'd only been two months since he met Jeon Jungkook. He was starting to feel more and more like a pervert with every day that passed.

He shouldn't think of Jungkook the way he does; he shouldn't think of Jungkook at all, unless he was talking to the kid directly.

But on late nights, when he was alone in his apartment, Jungkook would slip into his mind and he'd have to turn on the tv for a distraction.

He refuses, absolutely refuses, to think of Jungkook sexually. He knows his mind wants to, but he refuses to let his weird ass hormones control him.

The bell rang and Jimin looked up, saying goodbye to everyone and waving at a few students, who waved back at him.

He dropped his head back to his lesson plans then exhaled.

"Park Sonsaeng-nim?"

Jimin's body stiffened and he almost mechanically looked up to Jungkook, "Yes?"

Jungkook shuffled on his feet, his face turning red.

"Is something wrong?" Jimin furrowed his brow.

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