Mafia Auction Pt. 5

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"Wake up, Jungkook," a voice boomed through my bedroom.

I scrambled to sit up, waking Jimin in the process. He grabbed my arm and settled back into his pillow as I turned to face my father.


"He's leaving," he pointed to Jimin and I looked to my little angel.

His eyes were open and he was staring at me. His hand rubbed my arm comfortingly, almost as if he was telling me to...

"Like hell," I turned back to my father and squinted, "I really don't see why he has to."

"Because he corrupted you," my father's gaze turned cold, "He fueled your insanity."

"Insanity? So you'd rather have an insane son than a gay one?"

"I've always put up with your brother-"

"Don't bring Hyung into this. Haven't you done enough to him? You terrified him so much he refuses to see Namjoon."


"Good? It's good that your child gave up their lover, maybe even true love, just so that you can be happy?!"

"We're Jeons! We never think of ourselves! We have a community to protect! Why do you refuse to acknowledge that!?"

"Because I don't care!"

Jimin squeezed my arm and sat up, turning my head to face him. I kept looking away, wanting to keep my glare. I knew if I looked into his sleepy eyes, I'd melt and lose all the conviction I had.

But he made me look at him. At his wrinkled forehead, messy hair, glossy eyes, cute nose, and pouty lips. At his adorable fluffy cheeks and beautiful jawline.

He exhaled and his eyes softened from their concern, "Kookie."

I brought my hand up to lightly touch the hickey I made on his collarbone and he smiled.

"I don't care about the Jeons, Dad. I really don't wanna be part of this anymore; I don't think I ever did. But I care about Jimin, and he's not going anywhere."

"You bought him; simply return him."

"Best investment I ever made," I turned back and shrugged, feeling Jimin wrap around me. He was selling it, that's for sure. He was making sure my dad knew just how comfortable we were with each other.

My father sighed and reached into his pocket, pulling out a phone that was too cheap to be his own, "Don't end up like your brother," he tossed it to my bed, then left.

Jimin waited for a bit before he dived down and grabbed the phone.

It was old, not even touchscreen, but it had a camera. It was pink, so my first thought was of course of my brother.

"Kookie," Jimin snuggled into my side and whined. He held the phone out for me to see, a few messages sliding across the screen.

"To Joonie," I read one aloud, "My dad will kill you next time. We're done. I love you too much to see you hurt."

"From Joonie. If you love me, stay with me."

I pulled myself out of bed and sighed, grabbing a towel from the top of the hamper, "I'm gonna shower."


I was about to turn the shower off when the door opened behind me. I turned, watching Jimin walk to me, his head down and arms wrapping around me immediately.

"What's wrong?" I asked quietly.

"There were pictures."

"What of?"

"Your dad did something to him. He was all beat up in the photos. Him and Joon hyung."

I pulled him closer and he started crying, but I didn't try to stop it. Why tell him to stop when I couldn't control myself?


"Jin hyung!," I ran into his apartment, panicking when I saw the busted vase on the ground and flowers spread over to the couch.

"Kook!" A small groan called out to me. I followed the sound of it, ending up in his bedroom. "Kookie."

"Hyung!" I rushed to the side of his bed. The sheets were pulled off and he was wrapped in them, Namjoon's head in his lap.

"I told him to stay away from me," Jin sniffed.

"I know," I pulled his phone from my pocket and gave it back to him.

"I thought Dad broke it," he smiled.

"No, but he used it. I erased all the pictures he took."


"Of you two. Of how beat up you guys are," I gripped his arm and he closed his eyes.

"I told him to stay away."

"I know. But he loves you," I smiled to myself, "He won't give up that easily. He's Joon hyung."

Jin snickered at that, his hand moving to Joon's hair, "He probably needs to go back to the hospital."

"Both of you need to be looked at. C'mon. Jimin's waiting in the car for us."

"You left him alone?!" Jin's eyes widened and he fought to stand up, "We have to go now. Before Dad-"

"Jungkook!" Jimin's scream sent chills down my arms.

"Shit," I stood up and rushed to the door, just in time to see Jimin running down the hall towards me, two of my dad's bodyguards chasing him.

Jimin was smaller and faster, though, so he made it to me in no time and I locked the door behind us.

The body guards arrived about ten seconds later and started beating against the door.

"Kookie," Jimin sobbed.

"I'm sorry," I pulled him in and wrapped him in a hug, "I won't leave you alone ever again. I promise."

"Y-You have to d-do som-something."

"I'm working on it baby. Give me some time," I kissed his temple and his sobs turned to hiccups a bit after.

"I don't wanna leave you," he mumbled.

"You don't have to."


"Kookie," Jimin grabbed my arm and turned me away from my suitcase, "Do you really have to go?"

"Yeah. And you need to stay with Tae Hyung. My father doesn't know him and if we move out of here, his spies will tell him we aren't together."

"But that's what he wants. Nothing will get better for you. You'll still be stuck working for the mafia."

"Yeah,'ll be okay. And I can always call you. I'll send Tae money, you won't have to work. I can still take care of you."

"No, I can go back to the-"

"Uh-uh. You're mine remember? No one else can see you now. No more shows. I'll take care of you."

He sighed, as if he were annoyed, and hugged me, "I'm gonna miss you. Tae's gonna treat me like a teddy bear, I just know it."

I laughed at that, pressing my cheek to the top of his head, "I'm only giving him cuddling rights because I know you need cuddles. Anything more than that, I'll kick his butt."

He giggled and pushed back, looking up at me as I looked down. I let my left hand come up and tuck his hair behind his ear, which made him close his eyes for a few seconds.

"Don't worry. You'll be back with me before you know it. Give me a month, two months tops."

"Two months?" His voice was light and his eyes not as sparkly.

"Yeah," I gave him my best smile, "If you don't wanna wait, just tell me."

"No," he grabbed my arm and smiled, "It's fine, really,'s a while. And I know I'll miss you, is all."

"I'll miss you too," I wrapped my arm around his waist and kissed his forehead.

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