[S] Slave Pt. 6

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Jungkook brought us back to the house after dinner. He hung up my coat and I kicked off my shoes before I stepped into the kitchen.

"I'm gonna shower," he called to me from the doorway, "You can come to bed whenever you feel like it."

"Okay," I turned and smiled, my hand on the cabinet door where the glasses were held.

He smiled back, then stepped out of view.

By the time I opened the cabinet, he was back and I was staring at him again.

"Jimin, I- Would you- Would it be okay, if I moved your stuff into my room?"

I pulled a cup down from the cabinet and shut it, tapping my nails against the glass, "I mean...I already sleep there, so what's the harm," I shrugged.

He grinned, his eyes crinkling and teeth on full display. He looked beautiful, but I kept myself from saying so.

"Great," he nodded and then turned to look down the hall, "Um...I'll work something out and get it all moved over. You don't have to do anything though, alright?"

"No, I could move-"

"Happy birthday, Jimin," he smirked before he moved away, out of my sight again.

Well...I was confused by that. I didn't understand why he'd tell me to not help.

Nevertheless, I filled my cup with water and sat at the table to admire the flowers he'd brought home.


About ten minutes later, I slipped into the bedroom as quietly as possible.

I heard the shower still running, and I glanced at the bed before I stared at the bathroom door. It was cracked open, just like it usually would be, and steam rolled out into the bedroom.

I shed my dress shirt and pants, pulled my socks off and slid into the bathroom.

I looked towards the shower and saw his shadow behind the curtain. His shower didn't have a tub basin, just a drain in the middle of an inward-slanted rectangle. The curtain didn't reach the floor fully either, so I could see his feet.

I bit my lip and held my breath as I approached the shower, then I pulled the curtain back and he quickly looked to me.

For a while, we just stared at each other, then I stepped forward and pushed up on my toes, holding his shoulders as I kissed him.

It took him a second, but he kissed back and wrapped one arm around my waist.

The water was scalding and gave me chills, but I couldn't care less as I heard the curtain slide back across the curtain rod.

I broke the kiss and fell back to my heels, looking up at him as I panted.

His hands moved up my back and he pulled me into a hug, "Your boxers are soaked now."

"It's okay," I shrugged, pressing my lips against his neck and breathing in his natural scent.

One of his hands fell to my ass and he pulled my hips forward, dragging a gasp out of me. "Do you miss being touched?" he asked quietly.

I nodded, unable to focus on forming snarky comebacks when he was grinding my hips into his thigh; his stupid, muscular, defined thigh.

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