Pretty Prince

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Ever since Jungkook was born, he was told to aspire to be like the kingdom's most beloved prince.

Jungkook never understood why, but he did as his parents said.

If the kingdom's beloved prince got a pet bunny, Jungkook would rush to the woods and catch a rabbit for himself.

If the prince was praised for his kindness, Jungkook made sure to be respectful to all those around him until he was praised as well.


When Jungkook turned eleven, the beloved prince was thirteen. The prince was able to start horse riding lessons.

Jungkook often ran to the corrals a few minutes away from his small home, and watched the prince do so.

He wasn't able to ride horses, but the mules on his family's farm didn't mind when he sat on their backs.

One day, at the corrals, Jungkook found himself daydreaming. He was putting himself in the prince's shoes; and loving every second of it.

He'd get fancy clothes and nice food every day. He'd get a pet rabbit without having to catch it himself and be able to ride horses. He wouldn't have to pull weeds from the garden or haul firewood from the chopping block.

"Hey," a gentle voice caught him off guard and he fell off his perch on the fence, "Oh, are you okay?!"

Suddenly a boy was looking down at him, waving a hand in front of his eyes.

The prince!

"Ah, yes, your highness! I'm fine!" Jungkook smiled, ignoring his forming headache.

"That was a nasty fall," the prince pouted, "What's your name?"

"U-uh, Jungkook! Jeon! Jeon Jungkook!"

The prince laughed and the younger found himself blushing.

"Sorry if I disturbed your lessons," Jungkook sat up and the prince moved back so that they didn't collide.

"No, it's fine. I finished a little bit ago. We were just wondering why you always come here is all," the prince pointed to one of his soldiers.

", to watch you learn how to ride," Jungkook motioned towards the gray horse the prince usually trained with.

"I see. Do you like horses?"

"They're pretty and fast. They seem really strong."

"They are," the prince smiled, his eyes disappearing, "Father says that a good horse has lots of muscle in their legs. I think a good horse is one that you become friends with."

"Friends with a horse?" Jungkook almost scoffed.

"Yeah," the older grinned, "I give my friends apples; I give Cherry apples," he pointed towards his horse and Jungkook understood.

"Uh...your highness," the younger was proud of himself for not stuttering, "Can I ask your name?"

"My name?" The older gave him a confused look, "If you know not my name, how do you know I am truly your highness?"

"I attended the festivals in honor of your birth. I've seen you, yet never been told your name."

The prince smiled softly and stood up, helping the other to his feet, "Jimin...I'm sure you know the royal lineage's name."

"I do," Jungkook nodded, "I'm sorry, but you'll have to excuse me. I have chores I should be doing. It was nice meeting you, your highness."

"Jungkook," Jimin grabbed his arm, "At least take this with you," Jimin opened his palm and held his hand towards the other. In the middle of his palm, was a crab apple, nothing more than a snack food.

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