We Don't Talk Anymore Pt. 3

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"Jeon Jungkook," Jin marched into his friend's office, slamming his hands down on the desktop.

"Hyung? What's wrong?"

"Jimin cried his eyes out to me last night for hours. Why aren't you talking to him? Hm?"

The younger dropped his eyes to the contract he was reading through and shook his head.


He lifted his head, eyes watering already, "Because...he's busy with his boyfriend."

Jin groaned and dropped his head between his shoulders, "I'm gonna let you in on a little secret. I didn't tell you this, because I promised Jimin I'd keep quiet....Jungkook, he's loved you for seven years. Seven long-ass years of torture; watching you love someone else, seeing you have a family. He always thought it in your best interest to stay quiet about it. He thought you would hate him, push him away. And until this year, I agreed with him. But now you're starting to see that other people have eyes on him. You're realizing that anyone can snatch him away from you and Gracie and you don't like it. So I think, before you regret something, you should talk to him. At least let him know you don't hate him for being gay."

Jungkook sunk into his chair, nodding as Jin collected himself. The older left him to himself after that and he sat in his office all day.


"Jungkookie? Is everything okay?" Jimin looked at his bedside clock as he sat up. Two thirty in the morning.

Jisoo rolled over and threw his arm over Jimin's thighs.

"Hyung...I don't hate you," the younger sniffed and Jimin frowned, "I could never hate you and Jin-hyung said you were crying-  I just don't know what to say. That's all. It's not that I hate you, I just...it's been so long since we talked and...I don't know what to say to you."

Jimin looked down to Jisoo, bringing his hand back to push the locks of hair from his eyes, "You can tell me anything, Kookie. You know that."

There was a pause, a long pause, and Jimin thought the younger had hung up on him but he never heard a dial tone.

Then Jungkook said, "I want you to come over. By yourself."

"Okay," Jimin exhaled, "When?"

"Now...tomorrow, the next day....everyday."

"I don't understand, Kookie. What's wrong?"

"I miss you, hyung," he stuttered out a breath and Jimin could imagine him running a hand through his hair. "And I want you, me and Gracie to sit around and watch stupid tv shows. I want you to make me cereal with bananas in it. And I want to play blocks with Gracie and you."

Jimin smiled. He sounded like a kid, spouting off nonsense and pouting...but Jungkook was still a kid. He wasn't even twenty five yet.

"And I wanna have a pizza party and pretend we're not drinking. And I need someone to laugh at all my jokes. Even the bad ones. I just...I need my hyung back."

"I never went anywhere Kookie. I was just waiting, is all."


"Jimin, we should go on a date sometime this week," Joshua sighed happily as he wrapped his arms around his boyfriend's waist.

"Okay. I'll see what days I got open. I already told Kookie I'd watch Gracie if he needed me to, though."

"Of course. The queen comes first, I understand," the taller chuckled, pressing his lips to the top of Jimin's head, "I should make you pancakes one day. Maybe...a hamburger for dinner and...some other really American food for lunch."

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