We Don't Talk Anymore Pt. 5

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Jimin knocked on Hoseok's front door and it slowly opened. He looked back to Jisoo, who seemed just as confused as he was.

"Ji!" The taller gasped, "What if he was kidnapped?!"


Before Jisoo could get an answer Jimin had pushed the door open and the lights came on.

A group of people jumped up from behind the couch across the room and Jimin jolted back into his boyfriend's arms.

They all shouted "Surprise!" Yet Jimin was able to hear the shrill, prepubescent voice of Grace over all of them.

He turned around and glared at all his friends, but walked in and took Grace from Taehyung anyways.

"Happy anniversary Uncle JiJi!"

"Thank you baby," Jimin hugged her tighter and she started squirming.

Jisoo came up to stand beside his boyfriend and ruffled Grace's hair.

"Jiminie, we got your favorite kind of wine and Jin-hyung baked a cake and it looks amazing and delicious and-"

"Taehyung, why don't you just take him to the kitchen instead of naming all of the food we have."

Jimin laughed at how Tae pouted then sat Grace on the couch, "I'll be there in a second, Tae."

"Okay! Hobi-hyung, where's the wine?"

Jimin tuned them out as he turned to Jisoo and wrapped his arms around the taller's neck.

Joshua smiled and turned towards his boyfriend, hands resting on Jimin's ribs, "Glad you were surprised."

"You planned this, didn't you, you butt muncher?"

"Of course I did. I'm the only one that knows all of your favorite things."

"That's a lie. I tell Gracie everything."

"I'm your only boyfriend that knows everything about you," Joshua corrected himself.

"Meanie. I almost had a heart attack," Jimin whined.

"You survived," the other shrugged it off.

"So if I was in a car accident and nearly died, you'd visit me in the hospital and say 'You survived'."

"Are you planning on being in a car crash?"

"Of course not."

"Then you should be fine."

Jimin opened his mouth to say something, but he ended up laughing instead.

"Go look at your cake. It's beautiful, really."

"Jin-hyung makes all food beautiful."

"True. But you should go see this cake. He sent me a picture and it's amazing."

Jimin pouted, yet popped up on his toes and pecked the other's lips nonetheless, "Love you."

"Love you too."

With that, Jimin spun around and rushed off to the kitchen. He found Taehyung and Hoseok filling up wine glasses and setting them on a tray, but the cake on the counter caught his attention easily.

"Oh my god," he walked over to it and licked his lips, "Tae, Hobi...I might go into a sugar coma just looking at this."

It was a three tier cake with blue and white frosting and those little edible letters spelling out 'Congrats Jisoo and Jimin!'

"He did great didn't he?" Tae reached around to the back of the cake and his hand came back with blue frosting. Then he picked up a butter knife and smoothed it out where his finger print was.

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