Tortuous Pt. 7

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Jungkook had gained back some color upon seeing Yoon Gi. Our friend was just as pale as normal, yet his fingers were blue.

Yoongi cursed the nurses and said that they wanted him to freeze to death.

He and Namjoon talked for a while then most of Min's visitor's left.
Jungkook, Taehyung and I stayed behind, the youngest of us quietly watching Yoongi.

Tae Hyung kept trying to warm our hyung's hands, but he always pulled away and gave Taehyung some lame excuse to stop.

"Hyung," Jungkook finally spoke up, "How did you get here?"

"An ambulance-"

"Yeah, but...did you call them? Were you alone? Why didn't you call us and tell us, I-"

I quickly put a hand on Jungkook's shoulder and he stopped, his eyes glossing over and breaths quickening.

"Jungkook, I felt bad, I called for an ambulance, I'm here now, I'm fine."

"You're fucking blue! You're not supposed to be blue! You're supposed to be a ghost, why aren't you?!"

"Kookie," Tae muttered, a worried look on his face.

I wrapped my arms around his waist and he managed to put his left arm around me, "He's okay Kookie. They're not gonna let him go until he's better. Don't worry."

"I'll be okay, kid. I'm too grouchy to go to hell today."

At that, Jungkook's expression slowly (so very slowly) changed into a smile and he let out a short laugh.

I glanced at Taehyung, and he gulped.

" scared the fuck out of me. Literally. For the first time since I met Jimin, I stopped thinking about plowing him."

"Wow," Tae pat Yoongi on the shoulder.

I felt a blush creeping onto my cheeks; getting worse the longer I thought about what Jungkook said.

Yoon Gi smiled slightly, "That's good. I think his ass needs a break."

"Can we not," I cut in, "talk about my ass?"

"Why, Jiminie?" Tae pouted, "It's the perkiest thing in this room."

"Tae!" I whined.

Jungkook put his other arm around me and kissed my temple, "Sorry baby."

"It's fine. As long as you don't scare me like that ever again," I whined and leaned up to kiss his cheek.

He smiled and ruffled my hair, lightly patting my butt.

"Excuse me," the door opened prior to a new voice echoing through the room, "Visiting hours are over now."

"Okay," Tae Hyung stood up, "Call me if you need anything Hyung," he carefully hugged Yoongi.

"Will do," the older nodded.

"Sleep well," I gave a small wave.

"Will do."

"Don't die," Jungkook faintly said.

"Wouldn't dream of it, Kook," Yoon smiled and put his hands behind his head, "Careful driving you guys."

"Will do," Tae Hyung mocked him from the doorway.

I smiled and lightly tugged on Jungkook's hand. Soon, we were leaving the hospital and I was glad Jungkook had his skin tone back.


It'd been a few days until Jungkook felt like having me over again. I understood, since the last time he had guests it was ruined due to his own nerves.

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