[S] Massage

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Jungkook loved his boyfriend, very much. Jimin was perfect; his characteristics, habits, quirks, personality, and physical traits were flawless.

It was always nice for Jungkook to come home and be greeted by his energetic ball of a lover. Jimin always brightened his day no matter what had happened.

Although, after Jimin's college classes started back, he was less energetic. He stayed up most nights, doing work or catching up on reading chapters in his textbooks.

Jungkook went to bed alone those nights and sometimes woke up alone as well. He'd find Jimin sleeping on the kitchen table, a cup of coffee drained beside his hyung's limp hand.

The younger was all for his boyfriend going to school for something he loved, but he didn't like the stress it put on his lover.

Jungkook himself had inherited his father's business, which was actually quite fun and occasionally easy to run. He didn't have a lot to worry about and he made enough money to support the both of them.

"Jimin," Kook moved the coffee cup to the side, "Baby, wake up."

A low, slow mumble came from the older, "Kook....more...coffee."

"No, babe," the younger pulled Jimin to sit up straight before he picked him up, "Sleep."

"I have work," Jimin muttered.

"Do it later."

"I can't. It's due tomorrow."

"You're taking today off."

"I can-"

"I'm staying with you, okay? To make sure you rest. I'll do anything you need me to, okay?"

"Kay," Jimin relaxed in the younger's arms.

Jung smiled to himself and carried the other to bed. He tucked Jimin in then moved around to the other side where he laid down himself.

The older moved to his side before he even got settled and wrapped himself around the taller.

It was quiet for a while, as Jungkook played with Jimin's hair, and then the older suddenly spoke.

"You know what would be great?"

"What?" Jung kissed his forehead.

"A back rub."

Another short pause sent the younger's imagination into the dirtiest corners of his own mind, "Just a back rub?"

"No, like...a massage," Jimin hummed.

"Mkay," Kook smirked, "Get some sleep and I'll do that after you wake up."

"Thank you baby," Jimin kissed the other's ribcage through his shirt, "You smell good, too."

"Sleep hyung."


Jungkook had fallen asleep as well. He normally slept longer than Jimin- the older's insomnia being another factor for his nocturnal behavior.

So it wasn't surprising when Jung woke up and Jimin was settled in the sheets with his textbook in hand.

"Babe," Kook groaned and rolled to his side, "I told you today was your day off."

"That's sweet and all Jungkook," Jimin smiled and glanced at the younger, "But that doesn't help me pass my classes."

"I could get someone to do all this for you, you know?"

"I know, but then I wouldn't learn anything," Jimin winked at him, "You can't have a stupid boyfriend, now can you, Mr. Jeon?"

"You're not stupid," Kook grumbled and closed his eyes.

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