Everyone's Favorite Omega Pt.6

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Jimin giggled as Jungkook tackled him to the couch, tickling his sides and kissing his cheeks.

The alpha chuckled, slowly bringing his antics to a pause. Once they were both out of breath, Jungkook rolled into the floor.

His head hit the table leg and Jimin rolled to his side to check on him, finding his boyfriend clutching his head and pouting.

The Omega burst out laughing again and fell back on the couch clutching his stomach.

Jungkook sat up, pouting. He rest his head on Jimin's stomach and stuck his bottom lip out as far as it would go.

The Omega cooed and reached down to run his fingers through Jungkook's hair. "Poor thing. Come here and I'll kiss it better."

The taller smiled and got up on his knees. He moved closer to Jimin's head and leaned down.

Jimin giggled. "But you didn't hit your mouth."

Jung gave him a look that said 'seriously?'

Jimin giggled. "Fine. Just because you've been nice." He pulled the alpha down a bit more and pecked his lips.

"Hyung," Kook whined.

Jimin rolled his eyes. "I've kissed you all morning. Hush."

The alpha whimpered and laid his head on Jimin's chest, nuzzling against his shirt.

"Okay," the older groaned in annoyance, "One more, and that's it! I gotta go home at some point."

"No you don't," Jungkook chuckled, wrapping his arms around Jimin's waist.

The Omega pouted and rolled to his side, curling up as much as he could. "Yeah I do. I gotta go see my adorable little brother."

Jungkook nuzzled his stomach then pressed a kiss to it through his shirt. "I wanna meet him. You always talk about it, but I don't know him."

Jimin buried his fingers in the taller's hair and sucked in a breath. "Spend the night with me, then. Then you can meet my brother and we can walk to school together in the morning."

Jungkook grinned and lifted his head, "That sounds great." In seconds, the alpha was running through the house to his parents room.

Jimin heard him knocking frantically then asking quickly if he could go with him. A few seconds later, Jungkook practically jumped down the stairs and ran back to his own room.

Jimin lifted up and looked over the back of the couch, listening to Jungkook roughly gather his things.

He giggled and got up, slowly making his way to Jungkook's room. He peeked in and didn't see his boyfriend, so he went around to the other end of the room.

Jungkook was throwing things out of his closet in search of something, relentless in finding it.

Jimin caught a magic 8 ball as it flew towards him.

At the sound, Jungkook looked over his shoulder. "Sorry, Hyung."

Jimin giggled and walked over, gently putting the toy back in the closet. He kissed Jungkook's cheek and smiled. "I've never had someone so eager to go to my house before."

"Well, I like you. And that's rare. So...yeah." the alpha blushed then pushed a few more things around. He pulled out a small duffle bag that had a baseball icon sewn in on both sides.

"Did you play baseball last year?" Jimin asked, furrowing his brow.

"Nah, in middle school. I just...fell out of it when I started liking video games."

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