My Princess~

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"Hya!" Jimin's yell echoed off the castle walls as he sliced down another Stalfos enemy.

The bones fell to the floor in a heap, then burned away in green flames.

He put his sword away, pulling out his map of the castle interior. The castle was in ruins now, and traps were set up, so he couldn't take the drawn path to the throne room. He'd have to find another way.

He looked to the door in front of himself, noticing immediately the golden eye above it.

He pulled out his bow and notched an arrow on the string. In one easy shot, he hit the eye and heard the castle groan.

It was odd to him. He'd never heard that before.

Still, he continued on through the door.

Suddenly, he stumbled to the right, his hand on the wall keeping him steady. The hallway was a twisted mess!

He continued on, thinking only of saving the princess. Upon reaching the end of the hall, he saw a big chest decorated with jewels.

Jimin smiled and jumped down. Just the key he was looking for.

He studied the area and saw a big hole in the floor across the room.

'Get key. Drop down.' He thought.


Jimin landed on one knee once he dropped down. He lifted his head, seeing two grand doors with a chain and lock.

He grinned and took a few steps toward the doors. Suddenly, the castle started to shake and Jimin looked around for a source.

His hand cautiously went to his sword, then the rumbling and shaking ceased.

He relaxed after a few seconds, then cringed as a loud roar echoed through the castle.

When the sound stopped, he rushed to the doors and unlocked the chains. He pushed one door open, then slipped into the room behind them.

His eyes fell on a raised platform across the room, where an organ sat and on the stool in front of it, Jimin recognized his final enemy: Min Yoon Ki.

Min laughed, lowly, turning around and letting the echo of the organ notes die out.

"It's good to finally see you. You look a bit worse for wear. Have any trouble?"

Jimin clenched his jaw and grabbed the hilt of his sword.

"Mm. Well, no worries. Your little minx is here," he grinned. With a wave of his hand, a red crystal came down from the ceiling.

Jimin's expression softened at the sight of the being inside.

His goal, his love, his Jungkook encased in the crystal in all his Timberland glory.

"Don't worry," Min smirked, slapping the crystal, "It's impenetrable. Even when I make this land disappear, even when I tear down your gods, your minx will be safe."

Jimin growled and pulled the sword from it's sheath.

"What's that? You want to stop me?" Min laughed, "I'd love to see you try," he frowned and raised his arms.

Jungkook floated away and the floor shifted around Jimin. Once all was finished, there were four pedestals, which seemed to have infinite height once Jimin peered over the edge.

"Pay attention!" Yoon bellowed, "I want to see the fear in your eyes when I kill you!"

Jimin gripped his sword tighter and took a step forward, taking his stance.


Jimin expected the mage to be stronger, fiercer. He expected the battle to last longer, but here Min lay at his feet with a blade in his heart.

Jimin pulled his sword out and sheathed it.

"Took you long enough," a voice said, heavy footsteps following it.

Jimin turned to find his Jungkook walking to him. He smiled.

"I've been in that sweaty crystal for hours. Couldn't you have gotten here faster."

Jimin let out a short laugh.

Jung blushed and crossed his arms, "Whatever. Let's just leave. We have a lot of work to do if we're gonna fix this place up."

With that, Jungkook took off towards the entryway, Jimin jogging to catch up and walk beside him.


"Whoa, whoa," Yoongi held up his hands, "You're gonna just stab me in the heart, then leave me in the middle of the floor?"

"Yeah, that's mean, Jiminie," Taehyung chimed in.

"And why am I the princess character?" Jungkook pouted.

Jimin giggled at that, then sat down in his boyfriend's lap, "Oh, Kookie, you know I'd always save you if you were in trouble."

"Shut up!" The younger said, pushing Jimin's face away.

The older let out a laugh as he clasped his hands behind Kook's neck, "But I love you, Kookie!"

"I hate you!"

"C'mon, Princess," Jimin cooed, "Tell your hero you love him!"

"I don't!"

"Ah, we won't get any sleep tonight, will we?" Taehyung sighed, resting his chin in his palm.

"When do I ever sleep at night?" Yoon asked, downing the last of his whiskey glass, "That's good, where'd it come from?"

"Um, Japan," Taehyung said, looking to his partner.

"Very nice," Yoongi nodded, then wrapped his arm around Tae's waist.

If you understand even one of the two references in this (hint: one's a video game reference~) i love you

But i love all of you regardless~ we hit 380 followers the other day and last month we hit 330 so that's amazing~

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