Tortuous Pt. 3

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"Jin hyung," I whined into my phone.

"What's wrong?" He laughed.

"This girl in this video," I turned back to the screen of my home computer, "Her arms look they've been pulled out of their sockets." I scrunched up my nose as I stared at the skinny girl's shoulders.

"Wait, girl?"

"There aren't a lot of gay videos, hyung," I sighed, "You can forget a gay masochist."

"Oh...I guess it's all the same in theory."

"Hyung! Her shoulders!"

"Jimin, calm down," he laughed, "I'm sure Jungkook wouldn't do something to you that would require you to see a physical therapist the next day. He hates doctors, remember?"

"Yeah, I 'member," I grumbled, "But all of this is scary...and he told me he loved me yesterday," I smiled at that.

"He did?" Jin sounded a bit shocked. "Wow, it's been a while since he really wanted to stick to one person."

"Has he ever told anyone else he loves them?"

"Oh, all the time in high school," Jin said quickly, "But you know those relationships are just trial runs."

"Yeah," I giggled and leaned back in my chair. My screen went into sleep mode and I sighed, "Thanks for talking to me about this, by the way. I know it's really weird."

"No problem," he cheerily responded, "I think it's better for you to talk about it than overthink it all on your own."

I gave him a hum of agreement and then he started talking about some work stuff.

I looked around my living room, trying to find something out of place because the atmosphere suddenly shifted.

"Uh, hyung," I cut into his sentence and he went completely quiet, "Sorry, but...I got to go. Something's off."

"Oh," he chirped, "Okay. I'll call you up tomorrow to continue."

"Alright, bye."


With that, I turned my phone off and stood up, dropping it next to my computer mouse.

Mochi came from the kitchen and started barking at the door, so I took a step forward. He must've heard someone.

Before I got too far, the door swung open and Jungkook stepped in. He closed the door so Mochi couldn't get out and then he was striding towards me.


"Sorry," he breathed out before he wrapped himself around me and kissed me.

He stumbled forward, pushing my hips against the desk. I grabbed the edge to help steady us and I felt my hand hit my phone.

Sadly, his tongue piercing wasn't in, but I still enjoyed the kiss anyway.

When he pulled away he was breathing pretty hard. I stared up at him with hooded eyes and watched as his own orbs flickered over to my right.

"What's that?" He smirked.

I turned slightly to see my screen on...with the video pulled up, "Um... Research."

He laughed and leaned down to peck my lips, "Too bad that's a chick. We'd have a great movie if it was you all bound up like that."

I grimaced at the thought of her shoulders.

"Hey," I looked back to his eyes to see the idea forming in his mind.

"Absolutely not," I breathed out in a laugh, "I'm a business man not a pornstar."

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