Biker Gang Pt. 3

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Jimin never wanted Jungkook to go home ever again. He never wanted Jungkook to leave his side.
They laid in the older's bed, Kook's face buried snugly in Jimin's chest.
The older was so upset, but he wouldn't let himself cry, he had no reason to. Jungkook should be crying, yet he wasn't.
"No," Jimin barked out. Jung had been trying to go home for the passed hour, but Jimin only held him tighter each time he asked.
"Jimin, please. I can't stay."
"Yes you can. You are staying, that's final. I said so that's why so shush."
Kook lightly laughed and reached up to grip Jimin's bicep, "At least let me sit up. My other arm's falling asleep."
Jimin pouted and after a good thirty seconds finally let the younger go.
They sat up together and Jimin sighed, "It's not fair," he reached up and swept his hand over Jungkook's bruised cheek. His eye was black as well, but Jimin didn't want to touch that and possibly hurt his friend.
"I'm fine, Jimin. I'm still alive."
"That doesn't make it fair," the smaller moved to sit behind his dongsaeng and he draped his arms over Kook's shoulders, "You're a good kid and you don't deserve this."
"She didn't mean to," Kook mumbled.
Jimin scoffed, "Like I'll believe that."
"Hyung, please," Kook sighed and grabbed the smaller's hand, "Please just...let it go."
"Let it go?! Look what she did to you!"
"So it only matters because I look bad?"
"No! She hurt you," Jimin wrapped himself around the younger boy and exhaled, "You aren't supposed to be hurt."
Jungkook lifted his head and turned to the side, staring into Jimin's eyes as their gazes met, "Hyung."
"It doesn't hurt that much, I promise. I'm always okay when I'm with you."
"Jimin," the door suddenly opened and the two broke apart, Jungkook turning his black eye away from Jimin's mom.
"Yeah?," her son answered from his new spot at his desk.
"Jungkook's father called. He said he needs to go home now."
"Aw," Jimin pouted, "What time is it?"
"Nine o'clock," she crossed her arms, "You know you have to consult parents before you have sleep overs."
"I know momma. I just didn't realize, I'm sorry."
"It's fine," she sighed, "Want me to take you home Jungkook-ah?"
"Uh," the youngest panicked and shook his head before looking at her, "N-No thank you."
"Kookie!," Jimin sat up in his chair and covered his mouth, looking back to his mother.
"Jimin?," she turned to her son and pointed at Jungkook, "Did you do that?"
The two boys stayed silent, their eyes falling to her feet which adorned blue house slippers.
"Boys, what happened?," her tone was calm, but they could feel her anger, "Did you do that, Jimin?"
"No," Kook answered quickly, "No, it wasn't Jimin hyung."
"Then who was it?," she stepped into the room and took a seat on the bed.
"No one," Kook dropped his eyes to the bed covers and started picking at his fingernails.
"Jungkook, stop," suddenly Jimin was at his side and was holding his hands so he wouldn't hurt himself.
Jimin looked to his mom and sighed quietly.
"It's swelled," she mumbled as she stood up, "You should get some ice on it."
The older boy moved to sit in front of his friend while his mother left the room.
"I can't tell her, Jimin. She'll tell someone else and I have no where else to go."
"I know," Jimin pulled him into a hug and lightly kissed his hair, "I know, Kookie."
"You can't tell her, hyung," he started sobbing against Jimin's shoulder, "I can't lose you. I don't wanna leave you."
"I won't tell, Kookie. I won't say anything until you want me to."
"Promise?," the younger's voice was muffled and it sounded so cute.
Jimin smiled and pressed another kiss into Kook's hair, "I promise on my life."

The next day, Jungkook didn't come over after school. He couldn't face the older's mother and take the chance of her asking questions.
So, at dinner, the small family was able to talk freely.
"What happened to Jungkook? Did someone at school hurt him?"
"No," the son shook his head, stuffing his face so he didn't have to speak.
"Did it happen outside of school?"
Jimin stayed quiet and she took that as her answer.
"Is it his parents?"
"No," it wasn't a lie, because technically it was only Jungkook's step-mom.
"Then who did it?"
"I'm not allowed to tell. I promised Kookie that I'd be quiet about it. He doesn't want to worry about it as much as we do, so I'm leaving it alone for his sake."
His mother's eyes widened and she sighed, "At least tell me if it was an accident or not."
"I can't."
She dropped her chopsticks and rest her elbow on the table, chin in her palm as she stared at her child.
He was so caring, so worried about other people. There must've been a reason for this to be a secret.
"Well, how're your grades?"
"I got hundreds on my last two quizzes," he muttered.
"That's good," she smiled, "What classes were they in?"
"Science and Math."
"Weren't those the two classes you were failing?," her eyebrow raised.
He nodded, "Kookie's friends are helping me. Namjoon hyung and Yoon Gi hyung. They're geniuses."
"How old are they? I've never heard their names before."
"Joon hyung is a year older and Yoon Gi hyung is two years older than me."
"I see. Do you like them?"
"They're nice. Gi hyung's lazy and Joonie's perverted sometimes, but other than that we get along."
The mother smiled and picked up her chopsticks, "That's great, honey."

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