Jimerella Pt.5

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"Jimin," Jungkook reached out and pulled the older away from the kitchen entrance.

Jimin's eyes were wide, mind immediately running wild with things that could be wrong. "What?! What happened?!"

Jung grinned and slowly shoved his hands in his pockets. "I have good news."


"Hoseok-hyung is moving back in along with his wife and child."

"Oh, well, yes that is good news." Jimin smiled and chuckled a bit, fixing the empty glasses on his serving tray.

"Yeah, and....until their rooms are prepared, I gave them yours."

"Oh," Jimin's face fell.

"Yeah. That way you can stay with me and it won't look weird to them."

Jimin wanted to smile, to let Jungkook know he appreciated the gesture, but something felt strange to him, so he couldn't.

Jungkook let out a sigh and reached out to fix the older's hair. "I promise...that I'll figure out why you've always been in my head. I won't try to hurt you in any way. Let me know if I go too far."

Jimin shook his head, managing a weak smile as his eyes glossed over. "It's not you. Or what you're trying to do. It's something about me. I just...my chest is so tight when I talk to you about this. I've never felt it before and I just wanna cry."

Jungkook let out a sigh, his lips forming a small pout. "Do you think crying would help?"

Jimin furrowed his brow. "I don't know. Never thought about it that way."

Jungkook smiled and reached out to take the tray. "Go wait for me in my room. I'll take care of this. We can talk after."

Jimin pouted slightly as the tray left his hands. "Jungkook..."

"Don't be afraid. We'll figure everything out together. Just like always."


Jimin sighed to himself as he sat on Jungkook's bed. He always liked it visually and it was comfy the one time he slept in it, so while Jungkook was gone, he decided to enjoy the plushness.

He let his fingers run over the red, silk sheets, the softness relaxing him in a way he hadn't felt in days.

Jimin let out a groan of frustration and fell back before rolling to his side. He let his hand come up to play with the softness in front of his face.

The motion stirred up a scent from the sheets, one Jimin loved. Jungkook and his soaps and cologne.

He let his eyes fall shut and he turned his face into the sheets before he felt the tears hanging off his lashes.

Why? Why did he have to feel this way? He loves Jungkook with everything in him, so why did it hurt to talk to him? To see him happy? It shouldn't and he felt so guilty.

"Jimin-hyung?" Jungkook softly shut the door as he called out to the shaking figure in front of him. "Hyung?"

"Don't call me that!" Jimin shouted into the comforter. He sat up and wiped his eyes before standing.

"Hy- Jimin...I... What's wrong? Why are you crying?"

"I don't know."

"What?" Jungkook moved to put a hand on his shoulder, but the older boy shrugged it away. "Jimin, something has to be wrong. You aren't smiling. I can't see the sparkle in your eyes. I can actually see your eyes."

Jimin quickly reached out and pushed the younger back a step. "My eyes are not that small."

"They are," Kook shrugged, putting his hands in his pockets. "But I love them. No matter what they look like. I know I can see your emotions through your eyes."


"Now, what's bothering you?"

"You. What else?" Jimin pouted, plopping back on the bed.

Jung nodded slightly. "Right."

"I just...I don't know why. I don't understand why I get so sad when...when you smile at others."

Jungkook let his furrowed brow relax as he moved to sit next to the older male. "Do you get sad or upset? Or pouty, maybe?"

Jimin slumped his shoulders and picked at his nail that had been broken at some point. "A little of all. And angry. Disappointed in myself that it's not me making you smile. I always wanna make you happy. I just can't. It's not my place."

"Hyung," Jungkook reached over and pulled Jimin's hands apart. "With Hoseok-hyung's son...I don't have to have an heir anymore. I don't have to worry about getting married, either."


"Hoseok-hyung's son can take over the estate for me. So....you don't have to watch me get married."

"Not yet, at least," the older sniffled.

"Well... I don't know what will happen. But I know....I want to spend my life with you in it. Wether we be friends or more than that..."

"Jungkook, I... Don't get my hopes up just to break them down. I don't think I could handle losing you. I've known you my whole life."

"I know," Jungkook nodded, his hand finding purchase on Jimin's cheek. "I know, Hyung."

"You're the only one that stayed, Kookie."

"I know. And I'm not going anywhere without you."

"Jungkook, would you do something for me?"

"Of course. You always help me."

"Would you...would you kiss me? Just once and you never-"

Before Jimin could get out all his insecurities, Kook pressed forward and sloppily kissed the older.

Jimin felt his shoulders relax as Jungkook's hand fell to his neck. He pushed back against Jungkook's lips, not sure what he should do, but going off what he felt was right.

Once Jungkook realized he had no idea how to kiss someone, he pulled away. His face was blushed a deep red and he couldn't look Jimin in the eye. "Sorry that I don't know how to kiss someone."

"It's fine," Jimin whispered shyly, his gaze falling to his hands that were twisted in the sheets between their thighs. "I don't know how, either."

Jungkook nodded as a small chuckle left his lips.

Jimin waited a beat, eyes flicking between Jungkook's lips and his unfocused eyes. "M... Maybe we can...teach each other."

Jungkook pulled his lip between his teeth then nodded. Once his face began to heat up again, he sucked in a breath. "I think...I should get used to laying beside you first. So... So that I'm comfortable being intimate with you."

Jimin smiled and ducked his head down before giggling. "Okay. As long we lay in your bed. Or on our hill under our tree."

"Of course," Jungkook nodded. "Since it is late, we should probably lay in here. Are you... Will you stay? All night?"

"Of course," Jimin nodded, finally confident enough to look Jungkook dead in the eye.

"Good," the younger smiled, bumping his knee against Jimin's.

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