Author-nim Pt. 2

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Jungkook was around a lot more than Jimin realized. He only really noticed once Taehyung became grumpy about their relationship; saying Jimin had found a new best friend.

And he wasn't really sure how it happened, but one night he was telling Jungkook his real job- his erotic novel job.

"No shit, you write that stuff? I read it."

Jimin's jaw dropped. "Seriously? Who's your favorite? Kim Yunho? Lee JungHwa?"

"Actually," Jungkook put down his glass of bourbon and pulled his bag from under the coffee table. He reached in and pulled out....Jimin's latest novella.

The older covered his mouth and tried to calm his heart.

"Park Jinwoo," Jungkook said, handing the book over. "I'm not sure how, but everything he writes just...seems so realistic and I love that."

"Oh, really?" Jimin gulped.

"Yeah! But...I haven't ever come across one of your books. Did you use a psudonym?"

"Um yeah."

"What is it, I'll look for it," the younger smiled, reaching for his phone.

"Well,'s Park Jinwoo." He pressed his lips together and glanced at the younger.

Jungkook was frozen for a second, eyes wide in confusion, before he laughed. "No, seriously. I wanna read your stuff."

"I'm sure you might've read all of it already." Jimin handed his book back. "I'd tell you the ending to prove it, but I would rather not spoil it."

"Knowing the end to a published book wouldn't prove anything."

Jimin nodded at that. "True. But...if I give you a line, and you see it again later...would you believe me then?"

"If you send me a paragraph and it ends up in a sex scene of Park Jinwoo's next book, I'll marry you."

Jimin gulped.


"Wow," Taehyung laughed, stealing a bite of Jimin's doughnut. "You confessed to writing porn and he didn't believe it."

"No, he believed I wrote porn, but he just doesn't think I am who I am. He's a fan."

Tae gasped and covered his chest with his hand, "Don't lie to me Jimin. 'Cause this is so cute if it's real."

"Tae, it's awkward."

"It's hot!"

Jimin dropped his head and glanced to see if he attracted any attention. He did, just like always.

"Think about it! It's a new book! A sexy, nerdy writer meets a fan, falls in love with his cock, then falls in love with him. Jimin, it suits you so well."

"Who said I was falling in love. I only write what I live, so I know those emotions."

Taehyung gave him his 'oh, please' look. "If you don't date him by next month, I'll let you sleep with Yoongi."

"What do you mean, 'let me'?" Jimin smirked, "Nothing's stopping me right now."

"Yeah, nothing but my foot in your ass," Tae said, smiling sweetly while reaching for his dessert fork.

"Don't stab me, I'll call the cops."

"You wish."

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