Biker Gang Pt. 9 [End]

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Jungkook sighed as he listened to Jimin's voicemail. He pushed a hand through his hair then dropped his phone to the carpet between his feet.

"What's that about?" Yugyeom asked from behind him, holding his comic book off to the side.

" brother." He lied.

"Ah, the small one? He's always seemed like...I don't know... No offense, but he's always with a new guy around campus."

"Yeah. That's why I quit. I couldn't watch that anymore. It made me sick."

"I wouldn't have let him ruin your school life. If he wants to act like a hoe, let him-"

"He's not! He's just..." Jung sighed. "He had a really bad breakup in high school. I think the attention of all those guys just helps him keep his mind off it."

"Have you talked to him about all this?"

"Yeah. He told me I had no right to tell him how to live. Since... I was one of the main reasons for that bad breakup."

"No way. That's stupid. It was his breakup, not yours. You played no part in it."

"No, I did. I was...a huge influence."


"He still hasn't called back. What the fuck," Jimin sighed, throwing his phone to the foot of Namjoon's bed.

"Don't hit your new tat," the older whined, moving to check that the ceramic wrap was still in place over Jimin's ankle.

"If he doesn't call me back in thirty minutes I'm getting the tracker password from Momma. This is bullshit Joon. He could be anywhere and anything could've happened to him. It's been three days."

"I know. I get that you're worried, but getting angry won't help. Just calm down. When we find him, slap the hell out of him for both of us."


"It says he's right here," Jimin said, pointing to a medium sized, bricked apartment building.

"Who the hell does he know that lives on the other fucking side of town?" Joon groaned, pulling into a parallel parking space.

The younger male shook his head and quickly got out the car. He waited for Namjoon then they crossed the street together.

Jimin cursed as they approached the door. "Shit. It's got a buzzer system."

Namjoon shrugged, "So?"

"So. This app doesn't tell me which room he's in."

The older smirked, "That, my dear Chim Chim, is where Tae comes in."



Taehyung showed up fifteen minutes later, jogging over to the two of them. He smiled at Jimin then went straight to the buzzer system.

"Tae! No! We don't know where he is!"

"We'll find out, Ji. Don't worry."


Taehyung went through all the buzzers and asked everyone who answered if a "Mister Jeon Jungkook" lived there. He was pretending to be a delivery man.

Finally, after nearly twenty minutes, someone answered with a "Yes, please bring the package up."

After that, the front door unlocked and Tae led them inside with a proud smirk on his lips.

They went up to the right apartment and knocked, getting a response from a familiar voice.

Jimin held his breath.

The door opened.

And Jungkook nearly slammed it in their faces. If it wasn't for Namjoon sticking his arm in the door they never would've plowed in.

"Are you insane?!" Jimin yelled, pushing the youngest against the wall so he was trapped. "Do you know how worried I've been?! No phone call, no address, no text to tell me you're okay? Do you understand what you mean to me at all?!"

Jungkook was on the brink of tears, but he couldn't look up from the floor. "Hyung...I'm sorry, but I couldn't stay there any more. I... You hated me there, so-"

"Don't! Don't you ever think for one second I ever stopped loving you! You broke my heart! You did this!"

"I'm sorry!"

"Then why did you run away from me!? Why?!"

"Because! You had other people! Lots of people! The hyungs still talk to you, but not me! I lost all my friends and Yugyeom was the only one who ever heard me out!"

"Well talk! I'm here, tell me now."



The youngest dropped his head again and closed his eyes. "I broke up with you, Hyung, but I never said I stopped liking you. I told you I needed some time to sort myself out and the minute someone else wanted you, you left me. I...I just felt that...I wasn't enough...for you to wait for."

Jimin's entire being softened at that. And...Jung was right. Jimin got a new, temporary boyfriend a week after they broke up. He couldn't disagree with it, but he never knew how it affected Jungkook.

He let out a breath and pulled the taller into a hug, letting Jungkook cry against his shoulder.

"I'm sorry," the younger wailed out, voice hoarse and face scrunched as he clung to Jimin's jacket.

"I know. It's okay for now. Just calm down. Come home."


"Sorry if our movie night kept you up," Jimin smiled apologetically to his roommate.

He smiled back and shook his head, "No, I was fine. Glad to hear you two laughing again. It's been a while."

"Yeah," Jimin nodded. He turned his gaze towards the living room. He couldn't see Jungkook, but he could see the end of the blanket the younger was under as he laid on the couch. "I missed laughing, too."

"Hopefully everything will go back to normal with him back."

Jimin nodded frantically. "I hope so. I miss the old things were with us."

"Well, from what I saw of you guys his freshman year, you'll work it out somehow. He seems to do anything to make you happy."

"Yeah, he's amazing." My Kookie's amazing.

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