Jimerella Pt. 1

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The Jeon estate was the best kept property in East Busan.

The home's owner was a revered nobleman. This man had servants, farmhands, horse caretakers, stablehands, everything he could need to keep his estate in top shape.

This man also had three brothers who remained in the house with him. They were all older, but they all traveled, therefore the youngest son was given the property upon their parents' death.

"Master Jeon?" The familiar voice of one of the cooks reached Jungkook finally.

The nobleman turned to the cook, Seokjin, and raised his brow.

"Dinner's ready if you're hungry."

"Give me a minute," the younger male nodded, waving the cook off.

"Alright," Jin said, but paused as he closed the door, "Would you like to join Master Hoseok for dinner, or would you rather have Jimin bring it in to you?"

Jungkook thought for a moment, glaring at the letter on his desk from a suitor woman, "Yes, I think I'll eat in here. Tell my brother I'm sorry, please?"

"Of course," Jin smiled, leaving the room finally.

Jungkook sighed and loosened his collar. He sat down in his desk chair, slumping over and frowning at the letter in front of him.

This woman sounded nice, sent beautiful photos and drawings (Jungkook loved art); she was skilled in piano and harp supposedly and her family was of fortune almost as great as Jungkook's own.

She was a perfect suitor, yet he couldn't bring himself to fall into the idea of marrying a woman he didn't know personally.

"Yah, Jeon Jungkook," a pouty voice called to him as he felt a light hit on his head.

He looked up to find Jimin with a tray of food in one hand and envelopes in another. "Ah, sorry hyung."

"I swear, you should just stay a bachelor if marriage makes you this irresponsive."

"I'm not even engaged yet," Jungkook mumbled, putting the letter to the side as Jimin sat his food down in front of him.

"Mm. Hoseok called you a brat for skipping out again."

"He always calls me a brat," Jungkook smiled, but it fell as soon as Jimin laid down the envelopes.

"More letters, it seems," the older sighed, "Should I hide them and say we never received them?"

"No, if we keep doing that then the families will get suspicious," Jungkook rest his head in his hand then picked up his chopsticks, "Hyung?"


"Is it...normal to not want to..."

"Not want to get married? For some people, yes," Jimin nodded, shuffling a messy pile of letters into a neat stack.

"No, not that," Kook sighed, shoving a piece of beef into his mouth, "Like...the whole reason I'm getting married is to have an heir," he paused to swallow, "But I don't...want to have one, I guess."

"Oh," Jimin blinked a few times then moved off to the side of the room, "Well, I guess you don't have to have one right away. You don't have to marry right away either. You can be engaged for a while until you feel ready, I assume."

"My brothers are worried I'll never be. I'm starting to believe that too," Jungkook pouted.

Jimin was quiet for a while, letting Jungkook continue eating as he opened letters simultaneously.

He stared at the younger male, observing his behavior and reactions to photos and the letters contents.

"Ah, they sent us money again," Jungkook sighed, "I wish they wouldn't bribe us."

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