Favorite Student Pt. 2 (End)

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Jimin had made them a very early breakfast, brought it to the couch and turned on the tv.

They watched Billy and Mandy (it had some long ass name, but Jimin never bothered to remember the specifics of stuff like that. Good show regardless) while they ate.

Jungkook was really into it, so much so that he let himself slouch as he chewed on his waffles.

Jimin had recently introduced the teen to sugar. Jungkook loved syrup and pop tarts, but only the blueberry ones. He didn't like all those weird flavored coffee and soda ones.

Jimin liked to watch how Jungkook would lick his lips after each bite, making sure he got every last drop of the syrup.

He involuntarily let out a quiet laugh, and Jungkook turned to him.

"What?" The younger asked.

"Nothing," Jimin shook his head, his gaze falling on his own plate, "I just like when you're relaxed, is all. You look funny, but it's...a nice funny."

"Really?" Jung swirled his next bite of waffle around in his syrup lake, "My mom always says I look like I have rabbit teeth. She used to call me Bunny Rabbit until I got to be fourteen."

"Why'd she stop?" Jimin asked.

"I told her to," Jungkook smiled, "I thought it was embarrassing how she called me Bunny Rabbit when talking to relatives and my teachers."

"Oh, I see," Jimin smiled and nodded, "I had a friend in college, Kim Taehyung- a very strange man- who always called me ChimChim, or Chiminie."

Jungkook laughed at that, hiding his smile behind his hand.

"He called me like a dog, seriously! It was always 'C'mere Chiminie', 'I got you a present, ChimChim'. One time he got me a dog bone for my birthday. I chucked it out my dorm window."

"Really?" Jungkook laughed, his eyes widening.

"Yeah, it laid in the walk path outside for a week. No one even questioned it."

"Wow," Jungkook laughed, "Maybe I should actually go to college, then."

Jimin frowned at that, "You aren't planning on going?"

"No....what I want to do...it can't really be taught. You either have the skills naturally, or you don't get in."

"What do you want to do after high school, then?" Jimin sat his plate to the side, turning to face his student.

Jungkook waited for a bit, finishing up his waffles during the silence. When he was through, he let out a quiet "Sing".

Jimin smiled and pat the other's shoulder, "I didn't know you liked to sing."

"No one does. My father doesn't-" Jungkook stopped and bit his lip at the mention of the man. "My father doesn't allow me to sing in the house. Usually, I take walks with my mom and we sit in the park. She lets me sing there."

"That sounds nice," Jimin's smile turned sad, "What else do you like to do?"

"Um...I...like writing things. Like, poems, I guess."

"Songs?" Jimin asked, grabbing his cup of milk.

"Well...they aren't really songs. I don't know how to produce music, like the actual beats and melodies."

"You can go to school to learn that, Jungkook."

"I can?" The younger's eyes lit up as he turned to his teacher.

"Of course. They teach everything you'd ever want to know somewhere in this world. I bet someone could teach you how to produce music and work...soundboards-"

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