It's Different Pt. 1/2

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It was such a quick change. No one saw it coming. None of them thought he'd shut himself up that way.

They all worried, from the eldest to the youngest of the six.

Last week, Jungkook let them know he didn't feel normal anymore. He told them things would change.

The day after, they understood what that meant.

Jimin collapsed on the floor of the practice room, Jungkook following him with an overdramatic groan of pain.

Jimin let out a laugh, rolling to the side and covering his mouth.

Kook smiled to himself and brought his hand up to push his bangs back from his forehead.

Jimin caught his breath and curled up beside the younger, staring at the floor under him.






"Yes, Jungkook?"

The younger grinned, "I-"

"You what?"

"'re like my brother, you know?"

Jimin smiled and nodded, "And you're like mine."

"Yeah," Kook put his hands behind his head and brought his knee up, "So, if I do something different...then will we still be like brothers?"

"Jungkook-ah," Jimin moved so that his upper body was held up by his elbow, "Are you...quitting?"



"No," Jungkook's brow furrowed and he lifted himself up to mimic his elder, "I'd never. I don't...want to."

Jimin relaxed and took a deep breath, "Good," he cleared his throat, "That's good."


The air stilled for a moment and the both of them glanced around the room before their eyes met again.

Jungkook stopped breathing for a second and Jimin only tried to force a smile.

It was when Jimin tried to look away, that Kook brought his fingers to the older's cheek. He made his eyes stay.

Seconds later he'd leaned forward and before Jimin could blink, his felt his eyebrows furrow as Jungkook kissed him.


Ever since then, Kook hasn't come out of his room.

No one knows how to convince him that they don't see him differently. Not even Hoseok. Not even Yoongi.

Jimin knows why they can't convince him. He knows Jungkook thinks he's upset, because Jung asked after the kiss and Jimin couldn't bring himself to speak.

But he wasn't mad at Jungkook. He couldn't bring himself to be mad, because in a way, he was glad he kissed him.

Jimin had talked to Taehyung for hours and the stranger of the two made a comment that "at least he didn't kiss a creep or a someone that would hurt him."

Jimin was glad that Jungkook kissed him and not some random guy. And in another manner, it was nice that Jungkook decided to trust him and let him know he was into guys.

(Jimin won't say Jungkook's gay because he doesn't know if the maknae's still into girls as well.)

"Jimin hyung?"

Park's eyes shot up from his lap and he smiled at the maknae, who stood at the end of the hallway, before he launched up from the couch.


"You scared me," Jimin sighed, hugging the taller male.

"I'm sorry."

"Are you hungry?" Jimin pulled back, making sure they had eye contact.


"I'll make you something-"


"You?" Ji smiled, letting his hand fall to grip Jungkook's wrist.

"I...would rather just order pizza...have an ice cream binge."

The older broke out into his famous eye-smile then nodded, "Sounds like a party."



The younger looked over to Jimin, ice cream spoon between his lips and eyes wide.

Jimin giggled and brought his knees up to his chest before he started playing with his toes, "Um...I just wanted to make sure you knew...that nothing's changed."

Jungkook's eyes fell back to his ice cream tub, "It is different," he mumbled.

"No, Kookie-"

"It's different," Jung insisted, "I'm different,'s all different."

Jimin let out a breath through his nose then sat his ice cream in the floor. He moved to Jungkook's side and grabbed his wrist. "You, Jeon Jungkook, are not different."

"I am."

"You're not," Ji whispered, "I know you're not."

"How?" Jungkook rolled his eyes.

"Well, you don't look different. Don't sound different. You still smell like a pig," he giggled out.

Jung let out a small chuckle and rolled his eyes again.

"You still write with your right hand. You still don't let food cool off before you eat it."

"It's better fresh out the oven," Kook muttered.

Ji smiled and hit his maknae's arm, "You're still a smart-ass brat!"

Jungkook actually smiled at that, spoon stuck between his teeth.

"It's not different, Jungkook. Hyung promises."


Jungkook didn't change. He hadn't changed a bit.

He was still goofy and he still tried to make everyone laugh. He still joined in on ripping on Taehyung and he still fired shots at Jimin about his height.

He still wrote with his right hand and he still learned choreo quickly. He continued to go to the gym and he still avoided pretty girls as if they had the plague.

He was still Jungkook, but he was happier than ever. He had nothing to hide now.

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