Cute Guy

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"Tae, would you just look at him?"

The older boy sighed and reluctantly turned around to look at Jungkook's crush...again, "Yeah...I see him. He's still just sittin' there."

"That's not what I meant!" Kook pouted, which he had never done before so Tae Hyung was a little thrown off, "He's just so cute! He comes in every day-"

"And you stare at him like a creep and wait for me to do all your work," Tae Hyung complained.

Jungkook rolled his eyes and lifted himself off the counter before he moved to restock the coffee creamer.

"I am glad you're taking an interest in something, though," Tae Hyung kicked the other in the butt and made him lose his balance on his toes, "It's nice to see you so...captivated."

"Are you kidding? I'm obsessed," the younger grinned.

"Excuse me, can I get another piece of cheesecake?" A small voice grabbed Jungkook's attention.

Tae Hyung turned around, but before he could speak, Kook pushed him out of the way and leaned over the counter.

"Do you want strawberries too?" Jungkook asked with a smile. He thought it could've been borderline creepy, but his bunny teeth that Tae Hyung always teased him over would probably make up for it.

"Um," the cute guy looked down to his phone and quickly typed something. A few seconds later, he looked up, "Yeah, sure. Thank you."

"No problem," Kook quickly moved to grab a plate and put a slice of cheesecake on it and the three strawberries he's supposed to put on the plate, plus an extra one just because the cutie was cute.

"Here ya go," Kook smiled and handed the shorter male the plate.

"Thank you," the guy gave him a few bills and a handful of change before walking away.

"Aren't you gonna count that and see if he gave you enough?" Tae Hyung asked.

"No, he always gives me the right amount. I have no reason to distrust him. He's perfect."

"You're insane."



"Jungkook, can you get a box of straws from the back we're almost out," Taehyung asked as he handed a teenager a to-go cup of coffee.

"I got it," Kook nodded, abandoning his towel on the counter before he disappeared.

He quickly grabbed the box of straws and brought them out to the front, only to see Taehyung taking the cute guy's order.

What happened to the bro code? He thought. He pouted to himself as he restocked the straws.

When Taehyung was making the guy's coffee, Jungkook glanced over his shoulder, finding the guy staring at him. Kook tensed up and mumbled a few swears to himself.

Then he turned when the guy called his name. That adorable creature said his name.

Jungkook turned towards him, lips pressed together and hands finding the counter, "Yes?"

The guy grabbed on to his right elbow with his left hand, his eyes shifting around the room, "Um...can I get a piece of cheesecake, too?"

"Of course," Jungkook smiled.


"I can't take a sick day," Jungkook shook his head as he stood up, wiping his mouth with the paper towels Taehyung handed him, "Jimin hasn't come in yet."

"Jungkook, you've puked twice now," Tae sighed, "Go home."

"No," the younger moved to the sink and leaned down, getting a handful of water that he swished around in his mouth.

Tae rolled his eyes, "Fine. But I don't want you to complain to me that you feel bad. I've tried helping you," he ruffled the other's hair.

Jungkook leaned back down and spit the water out, "Okay, I won't."

After a few more minutes, the both of them went back out to the counter to help their coworker with the after-school rush. The highschool was just a block over and lots of kids stopped by for snacks on the way home.

Jungkook remembered doing similar things when he was in high school. He wasn't near any cafes or coffee shops, but there was a mini-mart just down the road from his old school.

Jungkook was okay serving the kids who came in, ordered, paid, got their order and left. He hated the kids who came in, ordered, harassed people, made messes, laughed at anyone who told them to behave, and left.

Usually he and Taehyug were stuck cleaning up after the trouble makers, so they always returned the rude gestures the kids sent their way.

Today seemed to be a terrible day, though, because ten trouble-making, messy, loud, rude, destructive, junior-high students came in. Jungkook was halfway through cleaning a pile of crushed crackers when he felt his stomach churning again.

He stood up straight, his hand finding Tae's shoulder as he started walking away. The skin-ship was more of a way to tell his friend he was going somewhere than it was to get his attention.

About the time Jungkook rushed pass the entryway, Jimin stepped in, grabbing his arm and stopping the younger.

Jungkook internally groaned, but couldn't hold back his smile at the sight of the smaller male.

"Oh, my god," Jimin furrowed his brow, "Are you okay?"

Jungkook managed to wipe the smile off his lips, gagging slightly before he shook his head and rushed off to the bathroom.

Taehyung sighed as he passed by Jimin, a bucket of dirty plates in his arms.

"Is he alright?" Jimin asked, following the taller male over to the counter.

"No," Tae sighed, disappearing into the kitchen for a couple minutes. He came back with a fresh towel slung over his shoulder and a dissatisfied smile.

"You guys having a bad day?" Jimin leaned on the counter, playing with the tip jar as he glanced behind himself.

"Yeah, the junior-high kids seem to get snobbier every day," Taehyung sighed, "Kook's been sick all evening too, but he wouldn't leave."

"Why not? He should rest."

"You," Tae smirked, "He likes you, Park Jimin."

Jimin blushed, trying to keep the smile off his lips, but failing. "That's what I wanted."

Taehyung rolled his eyes and started messing around with things under the counter, "Well, you got him, be responsible; take care of the doof for me. He's such a teenager."

"Will do, TaeTae," Jimin smiled, "Um...does he know that...we're friends, yet? Like...have you told him anything about me?"

"No, that's your job," Tae quirked an eyebrow, "My job was to point out your ass and thighs. I was due to be paid ages ago."

Jimin sighed and stood up straight, pulling his wallet from his pocket, "You're right. For once."

Tae took the few bills Jimin handed to him, then counted out three fourths of it, "Here, keep this."

"What for?" Jimin furrowed his brow, hand outstretched.

"Gas money. Take the poor kid home."

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