Jimerella Pt. 2

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Jungkook was astounded that his mind was wandering to Jimin so often.

Ever since he let him nap in his bed, he couldn't get his house Butler out of his mind.

Every night when he laid down, it became worse. The unused side of Jungkook's bed smelled like Jimin. It was a natural, beautiful scent. Jimin wasn't a fan of the new scented sprays like Jungkook was.

When the nobleman rolled over and cought a whiff of the aroma, his eyes would close and he almost groaned one night. It was just pleasant.

During the days, Jungkook couldn't look at Jimin. He caught himself staring for too long once and was afraid of it happening again.

But it was hard, because Jimin was always by his side, just as usual. He wondered how Jimin was taking his behavior. Hopefully the smaller man was writing it off as pressure from the marriage situation.

He still hadn't found a suitor and he was convinced that every eligible woman in Busan had sent a letter to him. None of the women caught his eye, though. They were all similar and none knew of how to run a farming estate. He wanted someone who he could talk to for advice if he were ever in trouble with the farm.

"I think we need a thicker fence for the rams," Jimin mumbled, snacking on the berries he had brought for Jungkook.


"The rams. Male sheep? They keep poking the females with their horns. It's causing infections in them." He giggled, amused at the younger's scattered focus.

Jungkook sighed and turned to look at his servant. He waited for a moment then stood. After setting his glasses down on his desk, he moved to stand beside Jimin. "How long have we been together?" He asked, staring out the window Jimin was looking through.

Jimin smiled, "Thirteen years at least."

Jung nodded. "You remember my father better than me, right?"

Jimin sadly nodded, rubbing his fingers together. "I would say so. You were so young when he passed."

"What do you think he would do in this situation? Would he marry or...."

"Definitely not," Jimin shook his head. "Your father married for love. He would've chosen your mother over any woman of great stature. Maybe even over Queen Elizabeth," he giggled.

Jungkook turned back to face his servant. "Marry for love. Sadly I know no one willing to marry me," he chuckled quietly.

Jimin rolled his eyes. "Not even the girl who you and your brother used to play with? When you were almost eight? Hyuna?"

"Ah, she...she fell for Namjoon-hyung," he smiled. "And they'd be strong together, I think. Besides, I never felt anything for her."

Jimin frowned. Jungkook really didn't know many women. He was always rough housing with his brothers or taking care of the house and farm. He never had time for girls or true love or even just petty love.

"Jungkook, remember how last week I said we needed to talk about you? I'm sorry I've been busy, but I will be doing nothing tonight after dinner. Can you talk then?"

Kook thought for a moment and glanced at his desk. He let out a soft sigh, then nodded.


Jimin stepped into Jungkook's study after he finished eating and washing dishes. He found the house master hunched over his desk with pictures spread out over the surface of it.

"Still looking?" Jimin remarked.

Kook looked up and sighed. "They're all the same. Pale skin, red lips, black hair in a bun. Seven of the fifteen are wearing white dresses with a red shawl. It's-" He threw his hands up and shook his head.

Jimin giggled and moved across the room. He looked down at the pictures and his eyes widened. "Jungkook," he pointed to one of the photos, "She's beautiful. Look at her eyes and her proportions. I'd even say she's perfect."

Jungkook shook his head. "She's...a mold. I don't... I want something different. I want someone I can spend my life with and never get bored, but they all sound so....dull. Unchanging."

Jimin bit his lip then quickly pulled all the photos into a pile. "Let's talk."

"Let's drink," the younger mumbled, moving to the liquor cabinet across the room.

Jimin laid the pictures face-down and went to sit on the sofa. He smiled softly as Jungkook joined him with a bottle of whiskey.

"So... What's been on your mind?"

"You... Your happiness. I just don't want you to pick someone because you need to pick. I really want you to be happy."

The younger smiled as he poured their drinks. "Thank you. That means a lot."

Jimin nodded and looked to his hands as he gathered his courage. "And...I don't want to upset you...but I have a feeling that...you aren't liking any of the suitors because...you're looking in the wrong...direction."

Kook furrowed his brow as he grabbed a glass and took a drink. "Wrong direction how?"

"Well... Maybe, you...unknowingly... don't want a female suitor."

Jung froze as he stared at his servant. The assumption replayed in his mind for a silent minute, then he choked on a breath.

Jimin moved to help calm him, rubbing his back and patting lightly.

"Sorry," the younger said once he recovered, "Sorry, that was just... I didn't understand for a second, but I got it now."

Jimin bit his lip and pulled his hands back to his lap. "I didn't mean to upset you."

"No, I'm not upset. Just...shocked."

The servant nodded and sat back on the sofa.

"What... What most noticable factor makes you think I like men?"

"Just...your disinterest in women. In beautiful women like the one in the photo."

The younger blushed and dropped his head. "Yeah...that would do it."

Jimin let out a short laugh and looked back to his hands. "Sorry if I offended you or anything. Made you uncomfortable."

Jungkook shrugged. "I can't blame you for observing me. We spend almost every waking moment together. It's only natural. And I'm glad you have my best interest at heart."

Jimin nodded quickly. "I do. I love you, Jungkook-ah. I want to see you smiling and enjoying life."

The younger nodded shyly, lightly patting Jimin's thigh. "Well, now that you have that off your mind, we should get a good night's rest."

Jimin giggled and nodded, "Yeah, it is sort of late. Don't drink too much, you don't need a headache tomorrow. You have an auction to attend."

"Right," Kook mumbled, sadly putting his drink down. "Will you come with me? To the auction? The last heifer you suggested turned out a great breeder."

"Of course. I should be up before you, so I can get the wagon loaded."

"Why don't you stay with me tonight? Then we can load the wagon together before we leave."

Jimin blushed, "I shouldn't. I was with the chickens today and haven't bathed. I shouldn't dirty your bed."

"Bathe in my chambers. They're no different from your own."

Jimin wanted to refuse, because he didn't think he could survive sleeping next to Jungkook, but he couldn't come up with any more plausible excuses and Jungkook never backs away from what he wants if he can have it.

"Only if you're sure," Jimin muttered, biting his lip.

"I'm sure. It's been a while since I shared a bed with someone. I'm honestly lonely at night when it's quiet."

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