We Don't Talk Anymore Pt. 4

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Jimin had fooled Grace into eating a salad once he told her she may grow bunny ears. He ate one too, starting dinner off by praying, not forgetting to ask God to let their bunny ears grow well.

Grace ate so fast Jimin thought she'd choke and once she finished she raised her hands and screamed, "Done!"

Jimin giggled and watched Grace pat her belly before she burped. It wasn't good table manners, but she was cute.

"You're so much like your daddy," Jimin giggled.

"Really?" She smiled, "I wanna be like Daddy when I'm all big and tall."

Jimin didn't want to crush her dreams and tell her she'd probably be really short since Malani was.

"Your daddy loves you a lot, you know?" Jimin smiled and rest his cheek against his hand, "Your uncles love you too."

"I know," she nodded, sliding out of her chair and taking her dishes to the sink. She had a step stool to stand on and even then she could barely reach the sink. Then she pushed the stool over to the fridge and stepped up, grabbing a dry erase marker and putting a point down under her name next to all the others.

"What're those points for?" Jimin asked.

"Eating races," Grace smiled, "Me and Daddy see who can finish first. He wins a lot."

"Yeah, he's always ate fast," Jimin giggled, and went back to his salad.


"Joshua," Jimin wearily spoke into his phone.


Jimin had gotten Grace to bed a few minutes ago, and had stole away into Jungkook's room so he could close the door and call his boyfriend.


"I wanna tell you something, but you have to promise not to get mad."

"Yeah, okay," Jisoo said quickly, "What's up?"

"Jungkook was rushing out the door earlier and...he kissed me."

The other end of the line was silent until Joshua sighed, "Oh...okay, well....keep your guard up, I guess. I didn't know he was gay."

"Me neither and I'm really confused," Jimin mumbled, "I was shocked so I didn't push him away. I'm sorry."

"It's okay," Joshua reassured him, "Are you coming home tonight?"

"Um...I don't know. Kookie's not back yet, so I might just crash on the couch."

"Alright. Sleep well, then. I love you. Good night. I don't wanna say goodbye."

"Then don't," Jimin giggled, "Good night, baby."


Jimin turned off his phone and sighed, turning around to look at the room.
It'd changed since he was last here.

The bed was moved to the center of the back wall and Kook's dresser was along the right wall in the front corner next to his closet doors.

He'd moved his computer from Grace's room into his own and had his keyboard set up next to it in the back left corner.

Jimin smiled and moved back to sit in the desk chair. He turned to the keyboard and turned it on, pressing down a few of the middle keys.

He was glad the volume was low; he'd hate to wake up Grace.

The door opened across the room and Jimin looked up.

"Hey," the older smiled, watching Jungkook move over to his closet.

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