This is My Garden!

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"Momma!" Jimin rushed to his mother's side and grabbed hold of her leaves.

"What is it, my cabbage?" She smiled down at her son then reached to pet his head.

"There's a monster on the far side! I saw it! He took one of Mr. Carrot's kids!"

"Oh," his mother's smile fell, "You should go home, then. It's not safe for a cabbage your size out here."

"What?" Jimin pouted, his fear disappearing as he felt a challenge rising in himself. "I'm a big cabbage Momma! I bet I can beat that monster down!"

"Oh, no, no, no, no, no," she shook her head, "A cabbage who comes running home must be terrified of a monster."

"I'm not a scaredy cat!" Jimin huffed out his chest, "I'll show you!"

"You will?"

"You bet!"


Jimin stayed on the far side of the garden for days on end, usually falling asleep under the tall grass and waking up early in the mornings.

He'd woken one morning to the sound of munching and feet patting in the dirt.

Jimin quickly got up, not minding the dirt covering his leaves, then rushed out of the tall grass.

There was the monster!

It was fuzzy and gray, with big floppy ears and big teeth.

It was eating another carrot, but it stopped once Jimin started shouting.

"Put him down!" Jimin screeched, "Stop hurting my friends! This is my garden!"

The monster looked at his half eaten carrot then at the cabbage, "Your garden?"

"Ah!" Jimin crouched down, hiding his face behind his leaves, "You talk?!"

"Of course I talk," the creature came closer, lightly lifting a foot to Jimin's side before kicking him, "All bunnies talk. What about cabbage?"

"Of course we talk!" Jimin stood, but realized he was much smaller than this bunny monster. He cowered slightly.

The monster stared at him for only a second, then he laughed, "You're cute for something that looks like food!"

"I'm- I'm not cute! I'm a brave cabbage!"

"Aw," the monster lifted his foot and then brought it down on Jimin's head, "So adorable! Maybe I'll spare you."

"Look, Monster!" Jimin pushed against the bunny, but it barely moved an inch, "I want you to leave my garden alone!"

The bunny paused then giggled, "Okay, but I'll come back to see you. You're funny-looking."

"Says you! What kind of teeth do you even have?!"

"Jimin!" The cabbage turned at the sound of his mother's voice.

"Yes, Momma?"

"How dare you say something so rude to someone!" She scolded her child, lightly pinching his ear.

"Ow, Momma!"


"Okay, okay," Jimin sniffled as his mother let go, then turned to the monster, "I'm sorry, bunny monster."

The bunny then burst into laughter again, falling onto his side before he lifted his head and said, "Bunny monster?"

"Yeah," Jimin pouted, "That's what you are!"

The bunny sat up and pat his stomach a few times, then smiled at the cabbages, "My name is Jungkook."

"Nice to meet you," Jimin's mother said, "This is my son, Jimin."



The area was quiet for a while, then the bushes rustled on the far end of the yard.

Jungkook perked his ears up then sighed, "Aw, I have to go."

"Come back and visit," Jimin's mom smiled warmly.

"Just don't hurt our garden!" Jimin added.

Jungkook thought about it for a second then said "I promise" as he hopped away.

I wrote this while hopped up on painkillers and ice packs, but I still think it's cute now.

Thanks for all the get better messages, too. I'm kind of surprised no one's called me a whiny baby yet. :)

The next few updates will be slow too, cuz it's all smut and i try to make each smut scene different from the others. Same old stuff gets boring, ya know?

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