Part 2

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"Sometimes the most broken people are the worst people."


If I close my eyes I like to pretend I'm not alive. I like to pretend I am floating in space. I'm with everyone I've lost. Then I open my eyes and I'm still in this hell hole. Like after being alive for 18 hundred years everything gets old, it's so boring. Everyone dies ( except me) everyone basically if following each other trying to fit in until they die. Like they actually will make a difference. I've seen everything. Nothing has really made that big of a different. We are living to die.
I'm living to want to die.
When I first came to this school it was a huge thing a vampire came. At the time this school was very small. Everyone wanted to see me. Like they ignored the facts that they were freaks to.
At the time I had a bull cut for hair and wore a vest, I looked like a massive dork! I remember there was this guy who picked on me all the time.. I cried at school and hid away from him. This lasted about 80ish years. Everyone just laughed when I cried. Shows how pathetic we all are. Then one day I was eating lunch and he came up from behind me and tied garlic around my neck. I couldn't breath. I started choking and my face was red. I was crying. I finally twisted it off and was kneeling on the ground trying to catch my breath. Everyone kept laughing.
When I got home I ran and cried. I was tired of being picked on. I didn't want to ever be taken advantage of again. I went into my bathroom and saved my bull cut to a short guy hair style and put on a hoodie and jeans. ( which I never thought I would wear) the next day at school I saw his dumb face, he walked up to me "Hey stupid face! New hair cut!! I bet you cry every time you see your stupid fa-" before he could finish I punched him across the face. Not just a normal punch I full blown he falls down and blood rushes out of his nose and cheek. I remember looking at my bloody hands. Everyone was quite. He got up and ran away crying. Nice. After that day I was treated better. I became the popular guy. I got all the girls. I never forgave anyone though. Everyone was evil. I was never going to return the favor to anyone. I was never going to waste my time being nice.
180 years later and I'm still on the top. Everyone knows my face. And all I see is faces passing and going.

I never thought it would change.

- H

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