This guy..

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Today I helped Beji. I didn't want to impress her, she needed help. And as I said I was going to make sure she was okay. I noticed Sebastian looking at her. Sebastian hates me. I don't blame him. I noticed he was looking at me. All day. I would turn and I could see his eyes. So I wasn't really going to let him hate me for a unknown reason, so after lunch I found him by his locker reading. "Hey, do you have a problem with me??" I demanded, I didn't mean to sound so aggressive. Oops. He kinda looked up with huge eyes and a scared face, "Whaa.. " he stood up, grabbed his books and looked down but then got a rush of anger, "Yeah! Why are you being so friendly to Beji??" He looked directly at me. My face flushed, "What?? I have a fucking girlfriend, you wouldn't know." I couldn't believe he said that. Ugh. He just wanted a reason to hate me. He put his hands in his pockets and looked away, "Listen, stay away from her. She doesn't like guys like you." I raised one eyebrow with a cold, dull face. "Every girl likes me, get lost ugly." I shoved my hands in my pockets and walked away. What a idiot. Like that small, weasel could tell me what to do.
Sharky came up to me when I walked around the hallway, "Heyy my man!!" He fist pumped me, which I didn't really go with. He smiled "Anyway.. so this big party is happening this weekend.. You coming??" He smiled with one tooth sticking out of his mouth. I shrugged, "I don't know, I mean.. Sure?" I groaned, "Listen, I have places to be.. " i walked away and waved goodbye. "Okay!! Text me tonight!!" He said running off to a group of other guys.
I stepped in the math room, I needed math help. Like.. You think if you've been around so long and actually get high school math. Nope. The room was empty I glanced around. Then there was Beji. Sitting at the table. I felt a rush run through my body.
I stepped closer, "Are.. Are, you my math teacher..?" She looked up and turned red, "Oh, yeah." She grabbed her chair and moved hair out of her face. "Um, teacher said it was a way a could bond with other people.." She began taking out her math stuff, "Okay.. Page 236? That's what's your struggling with..?" I took off my coat, showing my t-shirt. I blushed and sat down. We starting working for a bit, I was zoning out on her face. "Okay then you find x by dividing it by pie-" I cut her off, "Are you going to that party?" She shrugged and looked down, "I wasn't invited." I laughed a bit, "You don't have to be fucking invited, ahah, you actually thought they set out letters with fancy ribbon..! Haha! Like please attend this party with fancy dresses..! I mean have you never been to a high school par-' I stopped. She looked down kinda hurt. I blushed, "It's okay. I wasn't invited to my first party till I was like 16. Uh, you should go." I started packing my stuff. She gave a confident smile, "You know what? Sure! I need a social life." I smiled "I'll pick you up at 8." I walked out.
~~ That night~~
I drove up to her apartment, she ran down with a short cute dress, her hair up and high heels. Whoa. Ah! Let's get one thing straight. I don't like her. I just wanted to help her fit in you know? Being uncool is hard. She got in my car, "Haha, this will be fun!!" We drove to the house and she continued talking about how excited she was. I smiled. "I'll see you tonight, if you are lost just find me." I said walking out of the car. We took are different ways. I told myself. One drink tonight. That didn't happen.


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