Red Solo Cups

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Surround yourself with the people you love.

Yeah right. Like I was going to believe that. No one at this school even likes me, but I try my best to like them. Besides Clyde. I've tried to be nice to him, but all he does is treat me like I'm the last person he would want to see. I'll still try though. Everyone has hope.
I went to that party. Sharky invited me, so I went. Sharky is a decent guy, he just worships Clyde like he's the resurrected Jesus Christ or something. I pulled up to the house where the party was being held. I think that Minotaur guy who beat me up in the hallway was hosting it. Must remember to avoid him. I parked my beat up, ancient corvette on the side is his house, and walked up to his door. I held my host gift under my arm, which was a small package full of extra-durable red solo cups. I always bring a host gift to any social gathering I'm invited too. It's just a polite gesture, I guess. Nothing much.
I walked through the front door, and it was already a madhouse. The smell of liquor and smoke was heavy in the air. I could already spot Clyde drinking directly from a giant keg, swaying because of pure intoxication. Beij looked kind of out of it, I guess. She looked out of place, like she didn't know really what to do. I couldn't go talk to her, I just couldn't. Whenever I even think of talking to her I feel a sick, strange feeling in my stomach. I look around and see flashing lights, swaying bodies, tipsy people who couldn't handle their liquor. I tried to walk through the front entrance without being trampled by the people dancing. Someone blew a cloud of smoke in my face. I sputtered and coughed until the smoke cleared. What I saw was frightening.
I saw a smaller, woodland looking girl being crowded by a group of menacing looking seniors. I was only a junior, so there was no way I was going to go up against those guys. I think I've seen the girl around school, I guess. Anyway, it looked like the girl was uncomfortable, like the seniors were putting her in an unsafe position. I made my way through the crowd to the girl. One boy was rubbing her arm, and another one was pinching her thigh under her shorts. I mentally prepared myself for what was about to happen. I exhaled, balled my fist and confronted the seniors.
At first they paid no attention to me, besides I wasn't their equal, I was lower on the mighty high school totem pole and therefore I am invisible to their selfish selves. "Hey, guys, um, what are you exactly doing?," I asked them in a sheepish voice. A snarky voice spoke up. "We're just hanging with our good friend, isn't that right?" The woodland girl stared at me with her big eyes, trying to shove off the boys hand on her arm. "Well, um, she's my um, she's my girlfriend, and I know for a fact that she has some important business to attend to." I grabbed her wrist and half ran to the far side of the house. The girl still looked stunned by what happened. "Well, I uh, better go before those guys catch up to me." I gave her a shy smile and was off. I found my way to the kitchen and set my now slightly crumpled host gift on the counter. I got some weird looks, and some kid even said what birthday I was attending to. Must be because of the bright red ribbon wrapped around the package. I yanked it off and tossed it to the ground. I shoved my extra durable red solo cups gift into a random kitchen cabinet, and went upstairs.
A lot of the bedroom doors were closed, and I knew very well not to try to open them. I did see one with a dim light on, and it was open a creak. I pushed it open softly, but it didn't make a difference. I just walked in on Clyde and his prom queen girlfriend doing you know what. Luckily I didn't see much, because Clyde screeched "The fuck, get outta here loser." I could hear his words blend together and slur even when he was screaming at me. I slammed the door. I just needed some air, that's all. I locked myself into the bathroom and let out a sob. I couldn't handle all this drama. I just couldn't handle everything that was going on. I buried my tear streaked face into my hands, and cried and cried until I felt like my body couldn't possibly produce any more tears. I made sure my face wasn't red and my eyes weren't bloodshot, then I left the bathroom. Sharky said hi to me, which made me feel a little better, I guess. I creeped to the front door, and left. I tried not to get noticed to much.

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