Life is strange.

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I just asked her to talk.
We started fighting, I probably fight with more people then I am nice to people. But I could feel it hurt.
"What's your problem with me dumbass?" I yelled.
"You made fun of my planet. I can't be your friend." She said, looking remorseful.
I was quite. I felt the sadness sink. Then I felt anger rise fast.
"Can't be my friend? Fine! I have lots of friends" I yelled
"So? At least I'm not fake and mean!"
"At least I'm not a loser!"
Every comment we yelled back we took a step closer to each other. Soon our faces were so close she could count my freckles.
"You are so fucking mean! Maybe if you weren't such a asshole I would be your friend!" She yelled.
"What if I were to tell you I was trying to get better!" I screamed. It got silence. I felt my voice echo through my head.
We were staring at each other, our faces so close. I don't know if it was the universe, or Satan or some shit like that but we both fell in for a kiss. It lasted for about 3 seconds. Then as equally as we came together, we both shoved each other apart. What the fuck we didn't want to do that.
Beji was red. "I did not mean to fucking do that."
I looked away, "I don't what the fuck that was but it never should have happened." I responded, my face was flushed.
I turned around, I shoved my hands in my pocket.
"Listen,that never should have happened." I said.
She was quiet.
"Listen, let's not make this awkward, promise me you will pretend this never happened!" I demanded red faced.
She agreed.
"Listen people kiss all the time. It's not that big of a deal" I said walking away. My hands were in my pockets and my head was down.
I heard her whisper to herself, "I never kissed anyone before."
The following day was extremely awkward but we soon started getting over it. I convinced Beji kissing was totally normal. And I told her I had a girlfriend. Stuff cleared. But what I hate most about this world is stuff stays. We both know what happened. It will stay like that.
I continued taking math help with her. I have to admit I was getting better.
"And then you move x.." She spoke softly, we were in the middle of math help. Today was going by really long.
I rolled my eyes, "What time is it?" I said breaking the math talk
"Oh, 12:47, why?" Beji said looking up from the book.
"Wait what? Already? Dang it! I have gym!" I jumped out of my seat.
I grabbed my gym clothes out of my bag, fuck fuck I'm so late. I took off my shirt. Beji turned so red I almost laughed.
"Uhhhh, what.. Are.. You doing..?" She could barely speak.
I tossed my shirt at her, "Getting ready for gym. What? You have never seen a guy undress?" I smiled.
She looked concerned and confused, "No. I don't sleep with everyone I see."
I shrugged, "Okay, if you don't want to see don't look." I unzipped my pants and put on my shorts. She was in shock.
I put on my backpack, "Okay! Got to go! Later! Thanks for the math help!"
I turned around and she was leaning against the door smiling, "Welcome. " she smiled and rolled her eyes. I knew she thought I was insane. But it was almost fun to have someone see my from my "giant jerk King." Thing.

We both lowkey enjoyed our company.

I was in a good mood, I even smiled and said hi to Sharky and Sebastian.

- H

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