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"They say follow your heart, but when your heart is in so many pieces, which way are you to follow?"


     I fixed my bow tie in my shabby basement's bathroom mirror. Sharky was picking me up in a few minutes, and I was already sweating with nervousness. I took one last look in the mirror, and went out the backdoor to get some fresh air. My crisp, black tuxedo flattered my fair skin, and I gelled my hair to match Sharky's. I gnawed on my ragged nails, and saw a blue Acura pull up in my driveway. Just in time. I saw my dates' smiling face. I put a hand in front of my own to shield my eyes from the car's headlights. Sharky opened up the car door for me, and I smelt the strong fragrance of mint air freshener.

"You look really nervous. You don't have to be, you've got me!" Sharky exclaimed as he shoved his car keys into the ignition.

"Thanks Sharky. And by the way, you look super good in that tux." I said. My hands reached out to wrap them around his neck and pull him close. Our mouths met, and my hands tousled his straw-blond hair. My cheeks heated up, and Sharky's touch was hot.

"Sebastian, you're really  nervous, I can tell! But save it for after, we can't be late!" Sharky pulled away and winked. He put his hand on my knee and drove down the street. I smiled and looked at his boyish face for a few seconds. He was so handsome in his suit, he looked so mature.

"I see you looking." Sharky said, also blushing. "One more, okay?" He whispered. He kissed me one more time. We drove to the school, chatting about anything and everything.

     We pushed open the double doors that would determine our prom night fate. The song "Twist and Shout" was blasting through the ancient speakers. I eyed Wolfie, who was grinding with some older guy. Does he even go to this school? I shook it off and immediately started squinting to see where Clyde, Beij, and Drip were. Of course, I spotted Clyde first. I saw his rolled up white sleeves, and his vintage vest. A fresh rose was tucked into his vest pocket, and his hair was slicked back. I looked down at the floor, trying not to fall into some crush-induced coma.

"Wanna get some drinks?" Sharky half-shouted over the throbbing music. I nodded and pointed to where Clyde was dancing. He nodded back at me and rushed over to the punch bowl, which was probably already spiked with liquor. I walked over to Clyde, and I somehow didn't even notice Drip was with him. She was wearing  a little too-short teal dress, with a plunging neckline. A sparkly silver tiara rested upon her platinum haired head, which was styled in an intricate up-do. But this was bad. Very bad. I needed to find Beij. Luckily, Sharky came over, his arms overflowing with cups of red Kool Aid.

"Sup Seb, and Sharky. Nice outfits." He said, making that "cool guy" head nod gesture at us. Drip snickered at us, her glossed lips forming into a sneer. I balled up my fists. At least my boobs won't be falling out of my dress tonight, I thought to myself. Ouch. That was harsh. Got to stay positive. I thanked Clyde and went off to find Beij. I looked in the quieter spots of the gym, and saw her sitting alone on the bleachers. She was wearing a yellow, flowing tea length dress with matching kitty heels. Her beautiful waves of flaxen curls cascaded down her shoulders. She wore her usually look of space buns, but with added sunflower clips. She was breathtaking.

"You look amazing." I said. All she did was look up and shrug. I took one lock of her hair and looked into her eyes. "Clyde loves you. How couldn't he love you? You are smart, beautiful, you've got it all. You are so much more than Drip. You can give Clyde more, so much more. Don't push away the things you don't understand. Don't push Clyde away. I know you are going through pain, and I know the feeling. But you need to trust your gut and tell him everything. Goddammit Beij, you're so much more than you think you are." My voice shook as I told her the truth. Her wide eyes were brimmed with tears, and she stalked over to Clyde. Oh no.

    "I didn't mean to make her do that!" I shouted at Sharky. We were sitting on the counters in the men's restroom. "I think she was going to tell Drip off. I just wanted her to confess her feelings for Clyde."  I buried my face in my hands.

"It's going to be fine." Sharky answered. But his voice sounded unsure. I wiped my brow with a paper towel and pushed open the bathroom door. "I think I can fix this." I said, nervously smiling at Sharky. He gave me a thumbs up.

     My eyes darted to two girls pointing at each other and tall guy trying to break them up. Shit. Of course, it was my friends. I could hear them arguing from here.

"You don't deserve Clyde, he's my boyfriend! Not yours!" Drip's high voice pierced my ears.

"Clyde, you have to listen to me! Are you going to listen to her bullshit? She has been a total bitch to all of us besides you!" Beij's voice pleaded.

"Guys, stop it right now! People are staring at us." Clyde shouted above their bickering.

     What am I going to do? I caused all of this. Pep talks aren't my thing, I guess. But I have to help Beij, she's my friend. I walked over to their "scene," and shot a glare at Drip.

"Listen up both of you. Beij is right about you Drip. You've treated us like shit and none of us deserve it. Clyde, you have been so totally blind towards Beij and I. Don't you realize how much we care about you? And Beij. I wish you would accept Drip and be more like a friend. I give you all my help and this is what I get? What we all get?!" I peered into each of their faces as I told them the truth. Each of them looked so shocked when I turned to them. Telling Clyde was the hardest, because his eyes looked so damaged and hurt. My lip quivered but my voice was firm and strong. I turned on my heel and dragged Sharky away with me. I led him to the back of the bleachers and proceeded to kiss him as hard as I possibly could.

"Make me forget," I whispered hotly into his ear. I guess Sharky and I were the only ones that weren't going to be heartbroken tonight.


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