She is more

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When Drip first came to this school I thought her and Beji would get along really well. They are much similar.
But the universe had to fucking ruin it.
When the girl war first started I didn't take it serious at all.But Beji got violent. She almost killed Drip. Everyone was talking about it. She couldn't go anywhere.
She wasn't the same after that. She looked down at the ground a lot. She just stared down and looked scared.
I felt her pain. I knew she didn't mean it.
Drip was sick today. So I wasn't surprised when Beji approached me at my locker. She looked down. She looked both scared and sad now.
"Hey, my mom wants me to have a person over for dinner tonight. She says I need some social time away from school. Can you make it?" She asked.
"Yeah, I can. Hey are you okay?" I asked concerned.
She didn't respond. Just hugged her book and looked away.
"See you tonight. Thanks." She said and walked away.
I couldn't help but stare at her, she was so beautiful. I just wanted to hold her, kiss her and tell her she is perfect. But I can't.
Beji's house was really cool. Plants grew everywhere and light blue and white lights were hung up shinning. Her mother, older sister and Brother all looked similar to her. Her mom was very welcoming and friendly. She made it easy to come in.
"Thank you so much for coming! Oh wow! You are taller than I expected!" Her mom giggled and smiled.
"It's no problem! And thank you, I get that sometimes. I love your house!" I said happily.
"Thank you! And please call me Meg!" Said Beji's mom.
"Beautiful name!" I said. 
I was very friendly to adults, I get attacked about it sometimes.
She sat us down for dinner. It was pretty fun, they kept asking me questions. Apparently they never met a vampire before.
After dinner me and Beji headed to her room.
We sat at her bed. She had blue Christmas lights surrounding her room. With plants growing around.
I felt a little uncomfortable sitting at a bed in a lone room with her but I let my nerves hind away.
"So Beji are you alright, you've been acting strange?" I boldly asked.
She didn't reply just hugged her fluffy green pillow.
I lightly took her hand to get her to make eye contact with me.
"Beji you can tell me anything you know." I said looking her in the eye.
"No I can't. Clyde. Somethings in life I just can't tell you." She said sad.
Just then her long pink sweater sleeve fell down.
Revealing perfectly cut scars.
"What are those Beji?" I said shaking.
Beji quickly moved up her sleeve.  She started crying. She knew I caught her.
"I've been depressed okay?! I've been so confused Clyde! My mom discovered them last night! Sh-she yelled at me! I'm a freak! That's why you are here! She thinks I'm not normal and wants me to hang out with nothing people!" She said crying.
I gave her a hug. All the love I've ever known went into that hug. I was shaking, I started crying a bit.
"You aren't a freak!" I yelled.
She started crying more. Our hug was so strong we collapsed on the bed. She cried all her fears and worries out. I held her.
She cried for about 20 minutes. I never let go once.
I wiped her tears after she calmed down.
"You are so beautiful.." I looked her in the eyes.
"No I'm not Clyde! Why are you in love with me! I'm nothing!"
"No you are so much more! You are beautiful, smart, brave.." I got quiet, I started moving her face toward mine.
Her soft eyes got close to mine.
Why did she like me? I'm the biggest mess I know? Yet I can't help loving her.
My fangs touched her lips. We both had a soft blush.
We kissed that night.
It was the most magical 10 seconds of my life.
When I got in the car I melted with joy.


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