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As I was pelted with trash at my locker, I heard a "WHAT THE FUCK". Two girls got pushed back and I saw Clyde walk through. He shoved the Minotaur out of the way. "Tanner what the fuck did you do to her!" I didn't say anything all I did was stand up. Clyde walked away. He said some nonsense to me before he walked off. As I stood there in confusion the guy that was sitting on the other side of Clyde in economic living class came up to me and handed me a tissue. I didn't know what to do so I just looked the other way to ignore him. He walked off

Teachers told me that I could participate in math help the other students. I'm really good at math actually. Really good. I don't know how it occurred but I guess I can use some abilities to help others. I say in the classroom annoyed that I would be sitting here for hours. Finally, someone walked in.

"Are you my math teacher?" I mean I wouldn't put it that way but yeah. He sat down next to me and I could see him blushing. I was confused. Did he like me or was he always like this around girls?

We worked on several problems till he blurted out if I was going to the dance or not. "I wasn't invited" I told him. He seemed nervous and made a big joke out of a simple comment. I've never been invited to an earth party before. I finally accepted to go and he offered me? He wanted to drive me. Great. I could've been driven by myself but I mean...I don't know.

It was that night that I had to go to the party. I have to admit that I felt awkward driving with a guy for the first time other than my relatives but I mean how bad does it have to be? Well besides car rape. Okay let's not talk about that. Anyways I wore a short dress. I tried to look fancy. I didn't know if it was necessary but alrighty. As I walked down our driveway I saw a fancy black car pull up. Of corse it's black. I walked up to it and got in. I didn't say much but he told me that it was going to be fun

When we got to the party there were a lot of people. Nearly half of our school came to that party. I saw Sebastian walking around. I drifted off from Clyde because I didn't really want to see what would go down with him at this party. He seems like he would get drunk easily. I went over and sat on the couch

If I had a dollar for every time someone would throw their dumbass red cup at me I would have $16.

It was at that time Clyde sat down on the sofa next to me. " hhhheyyy what's up?? How's it hanging?" He was dunk. I could tell because his eyes were watering. "It's alright. Are you drunk?" I asked. "Well hell yeah. I only had uno drinks." What the fuck. We sat in silence for several seconds till he asked "Do hippos have feelings?"  I didn't know how to respond so I sat in silence again. Then he yelled "GET BETWEEN MY LEGS!" Ummmmmmmmmm okay then? I didn't know what to say so I just looked at him like he was a maniac. I wanted to leave or something but I didn't wanna be rude. I just got up. Before I could leave he said "I really like you"


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